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时间:2019-05-18 21:35来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:赏识教育    思想品德教学    初中生
Analysis of appreciation education in the teaching of junior middle school thought moral
Abstract: Appreciative education is a kind of education based on students and is a kind of need to pour into emotional education, The education concept of love is a kind of irrigation. It not only conforms to advocate "people-oriented" concept, also accord with the demand of heart .Appreciation in the teaching of junior middle school thought moral education, requires that teachers should play the leading role of teaching, the creation of teaching environment stimulate the enthusiasm of students learning, but also to learn to trust, respect students, praise and encourage students, include students, both to enhance students' self-confidence, cultivate students' positive attitude and good moral character, thus to stimulate the potential of students, let them have the courage to explore, bold to take, become a real head of the citizens. But in the process of practical application we also grasp the good time and degree, in this way can we truly appreciate the charm.
Keywords: Appreciative education; ideological and moral teaching; Junior high school students
摘要    1
一 赏识教育的内涵及意义    2
(一)赏识教育的内涵    2
(二)赏识教育的意义    2
二 赏识教育在初中思想品德课教学中的运用    3
(一)教师是实施赏识教育的关键    3
(二)课堂教学是实施赏识教育的渠道    4
(三)课外活动是深化赏识教育的途径    6
三 赏识教育在教学运用中应注意的几个问题    7
(一) 赏识教育要把握好时机和“度”    7
(二)赏识教育要做到具体问题具体分析    7
(三)赏识教育既包括赞美,也包括有批评    7
(四)赏识教育与挫折教育相结合    8
参考文献    9
    在应试教育大环境下,初中思想品德课的实效性不尽人意,而对于处在青春期的初中生来说,它是一门非常重要的课程,因为它可以帮助学生培养积极乐观的生活态度,帮助学生形成良好品德和树立强烈的责任意识,这些都是我们生存所必需的知识,托马斯•里克纳说:“学会做人,学会辨别是非善恶,比学习专门知识显得更为重要,一个“德盲”远比一个文盲对社会更具负面效应[1]。” 所以我们一定要重视思想品德课的作用。目前教育改革的力度还在不断加大,要求提高全民素质教育细化到学校就是要求提高思想品德课程的实效性。但目前绝大多数农村中学的思想品德课仍然存在照本宣科,单纯说教,学生被动听课,死记硬背,学生的积极性被严重挫伤,导致学生对思想品德课程的厌烦,不喜欢,没意思,不想上等负面情绪,学生在学习中感受不到乐趣,体会不到学习带来的成就感,就会失去学习的信心,也就没有学习的动力。为了解决这一问题,无数教育工作者展开了积极地探索,在探索中发现赏识教育可以很好地解决这一问题。 浅析赏识教育在初中思想品德课教学中的运用:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_33500.html