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时间:2019-05-13 12:56来源:毕业论文

On Study the Use of Punctuation of the Pupil Composition
Abstract: Punctuation is the symbols that people use to pide written words into sentences and clauses. It is an important part of students’ reading and writing. The function of punctuation indicates the pause and tone of speech and also indicates the nature and function of sentences. In each period of the new curriculum standard for primary school students of punctuation are given clear goals and objectives. However, in the actual writing study and teaching, teachers do not give sufficient attention. Based on literature review and combined with the education practice of the thesis revises and interviews with a line of Chinese teacher, the study shows the connotation and significance of the punctuation marks. On this basis, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the use of current pupils’ composition and also analyzes the causes of such problems. Therefore, this paper will give great suggestions on improving teachers' degree, adopting various teaching methods, and giving students the opportunity to practice.
Keywords: Primary school students; Primary school composition; Punctuation
摘要    1
关键词    1
一、标点符号的内涵    2
二、小学生作文中标点符号运用存在的问题    2
(一)学生对点号的误用    2
(二)学生对标号的误用    3
(三)标点符号的书写不规范及占格位置问题    4
三、小学生写作中标点符号运用出现问题的原因    4
(一)教师教学方面的影响    4
(二)小学生学习方面的影响    5
四、提升小学生写作标点符号运用能力的建议    6
(一)转变观念,重视学生标点符号的目标要求与目标落实    6
(二)采用多样化的教学方法    6
(三)搭建学生运用标点符号的平台    7
参考文献    8
附录    9
致谢    10
标点符号是书面语言的有机组成部分,是书面语言不可缺少的一项辅助工具。它能够帮助人们表达思想感情、理解书面语言。[1]国家在《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)》[2](简“语文课标”)中对标点符号学习也有明确的要求:第一学段写话要求:“根据表达需要,学习使用逗号、句号、问号、感叹号。”第二学段习作要求:“根据表达需要,正确使用冒号、引号等标点符号。”第三学段习作要求:“根据表达需要,正确使用常用的标点符号。”在小学阶段学生需要掌握的12种标点符号中,无论对于学生的口语表达还是书面表达都有其重要性。因此,必须重视对标点符号教学的研究。基于此,通过文献梳理,本文在给出标点符号的内涵的基础上,通过实习时批改学生作文时对学生对标点符号运用情况的关注,分析存在问题的原因,并与周口市文昌小学一线教师共同探讨,并结合文献与自身实习经历总结出应对措施。以期能够促进教师对教学目标的落实,同时使教学方法多样化;并对加强学生标点符号的运用,进一步提高学生的作文水平有所帮助。 小学生作文标点符号的运用研究:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_33270.html