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时间:2019-01-19 14:44来源:毕业论文

Investigation and analysis of normal education internship adversity
Abstract: Education practice is an important link of college education practice, this is particularly important on the study of education practice effectiveness. Only find out the factors that affect the education internship performance can fundamentally. To increase the efficiency of the education practice, each wave of reform of normal colleges and universities to join the education internship, conducted a series of reform of education practice activities. Reforms bring many conveniences for practice, but in practice also appeared some problems in the process of reform. I used the literature method, questionnaire method and statically analysis etc. Investigation and analysis of the problems of the education practice. And then some countermeasures and suggestions to improve the quality of higher normal education practice. These conclusions draw hopes for our contribution to the education practice of Zhoukou normal university, in order to be more perfect normal universities education internship.
Key Words: Teaching practice situations; Efficiency; Advice and suggestions
摘要    1
引言    1
1.调查的内容与方法    2
2.对师范生教育实习现状的认识    2
2.1 高师院校方面    2
2.2 实习学校方面    3
2.3 师范生个人方面    4
3.对师范生教育实习效能的调查与分析    5
   3.1教学工作方面    5
    3.2班主任工作方面    7
3.3教育调查实习方面    7
3.4其它方面    8
4.提高高师院校教育实习效能的对策与建议    8
   4.1高师院校方面    8
   4.2实习生个人方面    9
5.结束语    10
参考文献    11
附录    12
致谢    14
我们都知道教育实习在高师院校中是很重要的,对于教育实习各个国家的高师院校都很重视。本文着重的研究教育实习的效能和影响教育实习效能的因素,找出提高教育实习效能的一些意见和建议。教育教学实习是师范学院教学计划的有机组成部分,关于教育实习的调查与研究从未停止过,我看了许多的文献,看到了不同的教授和学者对教育实习的研究。这些研究内容包括个人方面的因素、学校方面的因素、社会因素等各种因素对教育实习效能的影响,也了解到他们为提高教育实习的效能提出了各种各样的建议和策略,他们的意见和建议给高师院校的改革指明了方向。高师院校的改革给教育实习带来了便利,但是在教育实习中仍然存在一些问题影响教育实习的效能。这些问题中包括个人的问题、实习学校的问题、学校的问题等。针对这些问题我采用问卷调查法、访问法、文献分析法、统计分析法完成我的研究。在进行了一系列的调查分析后,我针对师范生自身方面、高师院校方面的问题提出一些建议,进而提高高师院校的教育实习效能。 师范生教育实习效能的调查与分析:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_29703.html