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时间:2018-11-18 19:03来源:毕业论文

Primary School Students with Learning Difficulties Causes and Countermeasures——Taking Chen Saihao as an Example of Two the Fifth Grade Primary School Class in Wenchang
Abstract: Chinese is a basic subject, it has play a decisive role position in our real life, work and study. However, my internship in Wenchang primary school, the teacher for some questions to the children, less of a concern, in the course of time, some of the students in the back row to students with learning difficulties. In this paper, through observation and interviews of Wenchang primary school students Chen Saihao investigation, mainly through the students, teachers, analyze the status of the parents of three cases, analysis of the causes. On the basis of the parents should give the child a warm family, and strive to create a warm family environment; the school should pay attention to the cultivation of Chen Saihao interest in learning Chinese; Chinese teachers should respect the Chen Saihao pride, improving the relationship between teachers and students; students should help each other. To solve the issue of the students with learning difficulties, need society, school, family and work together to solve.
Keywords: Chinese; Students with learning difficulties; Transforming suggestions
目 录

摘要    1
Abstract.    1
一、概念的界定    2
二、陈赛豪个案描述    2
(一)我调查到的陈赛豪    3
(二)同学眼中的陈赛豪    3
(三)家长眼中的陈赛豪    3
(四)教师眼中的陈赛豪    4
三、陈赛豪的问题成因分析    4
(一)自身因素    4
(二)家庭因素    5
(三)学校因素    5
四、转化陈赛豪的建议    5
(一)家庭创设温馨的语文学习环境    5
(二)学校营造浓厚的语文学习氛围    6
(三)教师多关注,培养陈赛豪自信心    6
(四)同学多帮助,树立陈赛豪自尊心    7
参考文献    8
致谢    9
那么语文学困生的形成原因是什么,如何转化学困生?本文试图通过学校,家庭,社会三方面去了解和分析语文学困生陈赛豪形成原因,以及提出相应的转化对策。 小学语文学困生成因及转化对策:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_25989.html