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时间:2018-12-22 11:29来源:毕业论文

[摘要] 在幼儿园里,教师经常组织很多集体教学活动和游戏,幼儿因此掌握很多方面的知识,尤其是在集体教学活动中,也就是课堂中,幼儿收获颇丰。然而,我在实习过程中发现幼儿在课堂上经常出现不和谐的行为。这些行为不仅严重影响教师的课堂教学进度,还不利于幼儿自身的全面和谐可持续的发展。实际教学中,幼儿教师对这些课堂问题行为的处理往往不太恰当,没有能够很好的解决问题以促进幼儿更好地发展。笔者进行了一系列细心敏锐地观察,就幼儿课堂问题行为产生的原因,问题行为的分类以及如何应对和处理这些行为作了相应的研究,希望对今后的幼儿园课堂教学有所帮助。31767
[毕业论文关键词] 幼儿;课堂问题行为;原因;策略  
Research on children's problem behaviors in classroom
Abstract:In the kindergarten, the teacher often organize a lot of collective teaching activities and games, children thus to master a lot of knowledge, especially in the teaching activities of the collective, However, I found that children in the process of internship dissonant behavior often occurs in the classroom. Such behavior not only seriously affect the teachers' classroom teaching progress,but also not conducive to children's own comprehensive harmonious and sustainable development. In fact, the preschool teacher's handling of the classroom problem behavior is often not very appropriate, not to be able to get a good problem to promote better development of children. The author conducted a series of careful keen observation, the causes of early childhood classroom problem behaviors , the classification of the problem behavior is how to deal with and deal with the behavior of the corresponding research, hope to help in the kindergarten classroom teaching in the future.
Keywords: The kindergarten; classroom problem behavior ;cause ;Solution strategy    
目     录
一、幼儿课堂问题行为的类型    2
二、幼儿课堂问题行为产生原因的分析    3
(一)幼儿期身心发展水平个别差异所致    3
1.个别幼儿有先天生理缺陷    3
2.幼儿认知发展水平以及注意力发展水平有个别差异    3
3.幼儿的性格处于易冲动阶段    4
(二)教师不能有效处理好师幼关系    5
1.教师课堂教学经验不足    5
2.教师自身素质、能力以及职业道德修养不够过硬    5
3.教师对一些行为的应对措施失当    6
(三)其他因素    6
1.少数教室环境布置不合理    6
3.家庭教育的不足    7
三、幼儿课堂问题行为的解决策略    7
(一)认真备课,把握好课堂    7
1.运用正面引导的管理方法    7
2.恰当运用奖励与惩罚    7
3.灵活处理突发事件    8
(二)利用幼儿注意力特点来提高其注意力    8
(三)促进幼儿社会性方面发展    9
1.树立并强化幼儿的规则意识    9
2.提高幼儿的同伴交往能力    9
(四)提高教师素质,细心观察,防患于未然    9
(五)教室环境布置得和谐温馨    10
(751)了解不同家庭环境的幼儿,有的放失    10
参考文献    10
教育心理学上,把干扰课堂纪律、给老师带来麻烦的行为叫“课堂问题行为”。幼儿课堂问题行为是指幼儿在课堂中不遵守行为规范,道德准则,妨碍及干扰课堂活动正常进行或影响教学效果的行为。学术界已经有很多学者对幼儿的课堂问题行为作了一些研究,最早的就是1928年威克曼,西方学者一直很关注幼儿的问题行为,有的把这作为一个专门的学科来探究。笔者在徐州铜山实验幼儿园对此进行了一些观察,作了一些记录。 幼儿课堂问题行为的观察研究:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_28036.html