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时间:2018-09-06 19:16来源:毕业论文

Application of the Geometer's Sketchpad in Grade Nine Mathematics Teaching
——To the Quadratic Functions of the Image and Nature as an Example
Abstract: Geometric sketchpad is a kind of dynamic geometry tool which is used to plane geometry and vector analysis .Its powerful teaching auxiliary can not only create intuitive teaching situation to stimulate students' interest in learning, but also can change the interaction between teachers and students and teachers' teaching methods. It also improves the teaching efficiency. Ninth grade mathematics teaching content is relatively abstract and rigorous, which makes students feel learning difficulty and easily lose enthusiasm. This paper first is describing the geometry sketchpad application range and advantages in the junior middle school mathematics teaching and then takes the quadratic function image and nature as an example. I use the geometric sketchpad application in the teaching process and analyze the existing problems in the application process, finally I will raise application suggestions .It is good for teachers to apply geometric sketchpad to ninth grade mathematics teaching, provide the reference, break through the teaching difficulties and improve the teaching quality.             
    Keywords: The Geometer's Sketchpad; Quadratic function; The teaching cases; Application suggestion
目   录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
引言    2
1应用概述    2
1.1应用范围    2
1.2应用优势    3
2应用案例    3
2.1教材分析    3
2.2学情分析    4
2.3教学目标    4
2.4教学方法    4
2.5教学过程    5
2.6应用分析    7
3应用建议    8
结束语    9
参考文献    10
致谢    11
 几何画板在九年级数学教学中的应用——以《二次函数的图像和性质》为例 引言
几何画板能绘制各种基本的几何图形,如点、线段、射线、直线、圆、垂线、平行线等,实现图形的平移、缩放、旋转等操作,还能构造几何关系、测量和计算、制作动画和记录轨迹等等。[1]几何画板具有易操作、动态化、交互性好、整体化等优点,能够将许多抽象复杂的教学内容以直观生动的形式呈现在学生眼前,帮助学生生动地观察、探索和发现空间与数量关系,抓住几何图形的变化,理解和把握知识之间的联系,在有限的时间里学到更多的知识,同时其具有高效的作图功能,是教师教学得心应手的工具。 几何画板在九年级数学教学中的应用:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_22495.html