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时间:2019-12-20 14:57来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 探究式教学; 教学设计; 过程设计; 教学实践

Research on the Process Design of Inquiry Teaching

Abstract: Inquiry teaching is a new mode of teaching and learning, and the research on its process design is of great significance to the promotion of teaching practice. The connotation, process and process design of inquiry teaching are studied in this paper, and the study case of inquiry teaching is carefully designed. The research results show that, although the inquiry teaching is the simulation of scientific research activities, this simulation is simple and must be subjected to the permission of the teaching content. In practice, there is a need to have a special inquiry teaching textbooks or learning materials for inquiry teaching; and it is the most suitable for the inquiry learning to select the true scientific historical facts as the learning material. The research results of this paper provide a clue for the practice of inquiry learning.

Key Words: Inquiry Teaching; Teaching Design; Process Design; Teaching Practice

目  录

摘要 1

引言 1

1.课题研究现状及面临问题 2

1.1课题研究现状 2

1.2课题研究面临的问题 3

2.探究式教学的内涵 4

2.1探究式教学的定义 4

2.2探究式教学的阶段构成 4

2.3探究式教学的特征 5

3.探究式教学过程设计 5

3.1教学设计 5

3.2教学过程 6

3.3探究式教学过程设计 6

4.探究式教学过程设计案例 7

4.1 探究式教学过程设计案例构建 8

4.2 探究式教学案例分析 10

5.总结与展望 10

5.1总结 10

5.2展望 11

参考文献 11

致谢 12



但是,探究式教学模式基于对科学研究的模拟而来,本质上是将科学研究活动引入课堂,通过学生的主动探索创造新知识、培养创新意识和训练科学研究能力,因此与我们由来已久、根深蒂固的讲授式教学模式和讲授式学习习惯差别巨大。所以,要在教育教学实践中采用探究式教学,势必要在教学理论、教学设计和教学实践等方面进行变革。尤其重要的是,设计科学、合理的探究式教学过程,既充分发挥探究式学习的优点、保证探究式教学操作流畅可行,同时又能与传统的讲授式教学模式的优势相兼容,从而使两种模式优势互补,一定会具有重要的学术价值和应用价值。 探究式教学过程设计研究:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_43678.html
