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时间:2021-05-13 23:13来源:毕业论文

摘 要:本次设计来源于正在运行工程的实例,系江苏省睢宁县地面水厂供水工程。净化工艺主要设计内容为自来水厂的设计计算,包括水流量的确定,处理工艺构架物的设备计算及水厂的整体布局图,然后根据拟定水量进行设备仪器选择,确定处理工艺的可行性方案,从而确定整体流程。本次设计选用聚合氯化铝作为混凝剂,消毒选用氯气,其出厂水按照国家标准《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5750-2006)。同时,进行各设备的主要计算,根据实际可操作施工确定各主要构建物尺寸,设计时根据构建物的尺寸,确定设备在平面布置的确切位置,从而制定整体布局图,绘制出相关构建物的草图。67016


Abstract: From the running instance of engineering, the design of suining county in Jiangsu province the ground water plant water supply project. Purification process is mainly design content for design and calculation of water works, including the determination of water flow, processing equipment calculation of frame and waterworks overall layout, then according to formulate water equipment instrument selection, determine the feasibility of the treatment process scheme, so as to determine the overall process. This design chooses polyaluminium chloride as a coagulant, choose chlorine disinfection, the effluent will be in accordance with the national standard "drinking water health standards" (GB5750-2006). Various equipment mainly calculated, according to the actual operational construction to determine the main structure size, design based on the size of the building material, determine the location of the equipment in the layout, so as to make overall layout, to map the related to structure sketch. 

Keyword: water purification process, engineering design 

目  录

1. 工艺设计总体概述 4

1.1 设计项目名称和性质 4

1.2 设计原则和要求 4

1.3 工程设计标准 5

1.3.1水量、水压目标 5

1.3.2工艺专业设计标准 5

2. 工艺总体设计 5

2.1 净水工艺建设总体方案的适用性分析 5

2.2设备的选择 7

2.2.1管道混合器混合形式的选择 7

2.2.2絮凝沉淀池形式及组数的选择 7

2.2.3过滤形式及过滤单元组数的选择 8

2.3消毒 10

2.3.1氯消毒的控制 10

3.自来水厂建筑物及设备设计方案 10

3.1药剂投放与计算 10

3.1.1絮凝剂的选择与投加量的控制 10

3.1.2碱式氯化铝的投加 11

3.1.3投药方法 11

3.2加氯系统 12

3.2.1加氯系统流程 12

3.2.2自动真空加氯机 12

3.2.3水射器 13

3.4网格絮凝池的设计计算 14

3.5 平流沉淀池的设计计算 14

3.6  V型滤池的设计 日产5万吨自来水净化工艺设计:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_75095.html
