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时间:2020-04-27 19:48来源:毕业论文


Abstract: In this paper, the concepts of river health and river health assessment were compared, and the connotation and building principles of the river health assessment were summarized. According to the status and significance of water quality assessment in river health assessment, the river health assessment system which considers water quality parameters as the main components was developed. After evaluation of the assessment indicators by using principal component analysis, total N (TN), total P (TP), heavy metal concentration (Cd, Zn, Cr, Mn), and chlorophyll-a concentration (chlorophyta, diatom/pyrrophyta) were chosen as the assessment index. Finally, we chose the western Hangzhou wetland, located in a rapid urbanization area, as an example. By clustering analysis of 25 river water quality monitoring sites, we pided the study area into 7 river ecological region types, and then applied the comprehensive water quality index method to abttain a preliminary understanding of the ecosystem health status of the study area.

毕业论文关键词:河流健康评价; 水质监测; 主成分分析;聚类分析

Keyword: River Health Assessment; Water Quality Monitoring; Principal Component Analysis; Clustering Analysis  

目    录

1 引言 4

2 河流健康 4

2.1 河流健康含义 4

2.2 河流生态系统健康 5

3 河流健康评价 5

3.1 河流健康评价的意义和方法 5

3.2 水质评价 6

4 案例应用 6

4.1 研究区概况 6

4.2 数据来源 7

4.3 主成分分析 8

4.3.1 方法原理 8

4.3.2 数据分析 9

4.4 聚类分析 12

4.5 水质评价 13

5 结论与展望 16

 1 引言

河流生态系统的可持续发展无疑是整个社会可持续发展不可或缺的一个部分。河流在人类的生活中扮演着非常重要的角色,不仅是提供灌溉、生产和人类日常生活的必需品,还被开发出了交通、娱乐等诸多服务功能。河流在整个生态链中更是地位颇高,成千上万的动植物依赖于河流,生物圈几乎所有的循环都离不开河流。近年来,全球范围内的河流生态系统都受到了人类活动不同程度破坏,甚者已经达到了毁灭的程度。如何维持现有河流生态系统的基本功能,修复受损系统,促进河流及其流域的经济、社会和环境的可持续发展已经引起了全世界的重视,从而促进了河流生态系统健康理论的形成和发展。河流生态系统健康评价成为人们了解河流健康情况、整治受损河流以及预测河流健康发展情况的直接依据,由此,河流生态系统健康显得十分重要。本文基于多指标评价法[1],对杭州城西河流生态系统健康进行综合评价。 快速城市化河流生态系统健康评价研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_50635.html
