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时间:2020-03-25 20:01来源:毕业论文

摘要随着电子商 务的发展,在网络上交易不 但可以减少交易的 时间,提升交易的速 度,并且还能够可 以降低交易的成本。在这期间,国内的快 递物流行业也得到了 发展。快递物流行业的 发展使人们逐渐认识到 物流的重要性,对物流配送 模式的要求也 越来越多。而另一方面,快递物 流行业的发展 速度又落 后于B2C、C2C电 子商务的 发展速度。它没能跟得上网 上零售业务拓展的步伐,很 多快递行业已 经不堪重负,物流 网络已经满负荷运作。假如没 有一套高效、畅通的 快递物流系统,电子商 务的长处就很难有 效地发挥出来。在我 们国家,物流起步相 对比较晚、水平相对比 较低,在今天,能够给 予电子商务活动 有力支持的快递物流 发展仍然有着许 多问题。46997

所以,本文对 于目前我国快递 物流行业的模式 进行了阐述,同时在 对我们国家的 电子商务快递 行业现状以及存在的问 题进行研究和分 析的基础上,提出了 相关的解决对策。在案例 分析阶段,运用SERVQU AL服务质量评价 模型对京东商城 自营快递 进行分析,并给出 相关改进建议。希望通过本次研究, 能够加快电子商务 与快递物流行 业的协同发展,并且能够满足快 递物流 业务发展的需要,可以提供一定的参 考依据给快递行业的下一步发展。

Abstract:  With the development of e-commerce, online trading can not only shorten the transaction time, to accelerate the pace of business, but also can significantly reduce transaction costs. During this period, the domestic express logistics industry has also been developed. The development of the express logistics industry makes people gradually realize the importance of logistics, the logistics distribution mode for more and more. On the other hand, the development speed of the speed of development of the express logistics industry has lagged behind the B2C, the C2C electronic commerce. It can't keep up with the pace of expansion in the online retail business, a lot of the express industry has been overwhelmed, logistics network has a full load operation. If there is not an efficient, reasonable, smooth logistics system, the electronic commerce has the advantage of it is difficult to effectively play. In our country, logistics started late, low level, in the era of electronic commerce today, the development of modern logistics to support e-commerce still exist many problems.

Therefore, this paper elaborated the electronic commerce of the express logistics industry model, based on the electronic commerce in our country express logistics present situation and the existing problems are analyzed, and puts forward relevant countermeasures. In the case analysis, the use of SERVQUAL service quality evaluation model to analyze the Jingdong mall self express, and gives relevant suggestions for improvement. Hope that through this article, can promote the coordinated development of e-commerce and express industry, to meet the growing needs of the development of the express delivery business, provide a reference for further development of express industry


Keyword:express、e-commerce、Jingdong mall self express,、SERVQUAL service quality evaluation model

目  录

一、   引言.4

(一) 研究背景及意义.4

(二) 研究内容...4

(三) 研究方法.... ...4

(四) 本文创新点....5

(五) 技术路线...5

二、   文献综述6




三、   国内电子商务快递行业发展的现状及其影响因素..7 国内电子商务快递行业服务的比较分析研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_48904.html
