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时间:2018-09-06 19:46来源:毕业论文

摘  要:未来几年内,大批90后员工将势不可挡的涌入企业,对于这批新生代员工的管理已经被公认为企业管理的难点之一。由于他们所处的家庭环境、学校环境和社会环境较之上几代员工有很大不同,他们大都表现出自我意识和法制意识强、追求快乐指数、抗压能力差、可塑性强的特点,使得他们不能很好的适应企业的传统管理,从而给自身和企业都带来了诸多不便。如何对其进行有效管理,满足其特定需求,激发其积极性和创造性,已成为学术界研究的重要课题。本文参考大量相关文献,并深入企业进行相关调查,在此基础上充分分析了90后员工鲜明的个性特征和心理特点,并对如何与90后员工进行沟通、管理和提高管理者综合管理水平和能力提出了看法。27861
After 90 the Characteristics of the Staff and Enterprise Management Strategy Analysis
Abstract: In the next few years, a large number of 90 employees will be overwhelming into enterprises, for this batch of new generation staff management has been recognized as one of the difficulties in enterprise management. Due to their family environment, school environment and social environment than on generations of employees is different, they mostly showed a strong sense of self-awareness and the rule of law, the pursuit of happiness, compressive ability is poor, the characteristics of plasticity, make them not very good to adapt to the traditional enterprise management, so as to give itself and the enterprise has brought much inconvenience. How to carry on the effective management, to meet their specific needs, arouse their enthusiasm and creativity, has become an important topic of the academic research. This article refer to a large number of relevant literature, and related investigation into enterprise, on the basis of fully analyzing the 90 employees’ distinct personality characteristics and psychological characteristics, and on how to communicate with employees after 90, management, and some suggestion to improve management level and integrated management.  
Key Words: After the 90 employee; Behavior; Management strategies
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、相关研究概述    2
(一)90后员工的定义    2
(二)90后员工的成长环境分析    3
二、90后员工的特征分析    4
(一)法制意识强    5
(二)追求快乐指数    5
(三)自我意识强    6
(四)可塑性强    7
(五)抗压能力差    7
三、针对90后工的特点企业所应采取的管理策略    9
(一)明确规则,完善企业法制体系    9
(二)分享快乐,营造良好工作氛围    10
(三)注重激励,培养员工竞争意识    11
(四)适宜期望,正确引导员工成长    13
 (五) 多关注员工的心理问题    17
参考文献    19
致谢    20
九十年代,中国进入了改革开放、经济高速发展的黄金时段。科学技术迅猛发展,社会现代化程度不断提高,我们的生活被各种各样的信息充斥着。90后正是生长在这样一个物质基础极大丰富,经济迅速发展的年代。此外,九十年代也是我国计划生育政策正处于坚决地贯彻执行阶段。因此在这一时期的90后员工大都是生长于三口之家的主题家庭环境之中,受到父母以及老一辈亲人的过度溺爱。与那些出生在改革开放初期,社会发展还很缓慢、各种条件还不够完善的80后一代相比,90后享受到的是优越的生活条件、富足的生活环境,是改革开放成果的优先享有者。 90后员工的特点及企业管理策略分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_22508.html