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时间:2017-02-22 12:41来源:毕业论文

关键字: 会展 知识产权 法制建设
 Legal establish of intellectual property rights protection in Shanghai
Abstract:Convention and exhibition industry developed rapidly in our country during the 11th five-year plan.The resulting intellectual property issues are increasingly prominent.    First, the existing intellectual property laws and regulations are not yet perfect in this respect ,intellectual property legislation defects in convention and exhibition industry is also important factor. Based on the present situation of Shanghai convention and exhibition industry, we have analyzed the existing local convention and exhibition legislation through investigating, material collecting and  data integrating. We put forward suggestions for Shanghai  convention and exhibition industry concretely. Shanghai, as a city with long history of convention and exhibition and strong exhibition ability, does not have its own local regulations regarding intellectual property protection of exhibition so far.Therefore, perfecting the legislation have became the bottleneck of the further development of convention and exhibition industry in Shanghai economic transition.
Keywords: Convention and exhibition;  Intellectual property rights;  Law construction
绪论    1
研究背景    1
研究目的和意义    1
一.我国会展知识产权法律、法规概览    2
(一) 法律层面的有关规定    2
(二) 行政法规与规章层面的有关规定    2
(三) 地方性法规与规章层面的有关规定    3
二.国内地方展会知识产权保护立法的比较    3
(一) 对《办法》适用场合的比较    3
(二) 对展会法律主体职责范围的规定    4
(三) 对重要展会的专门性规定    4
(四) 对知识产权纠纷处理的规定    5
(五)对知识产权信息统计的规定    5
三.上海会展知识产权立法状况分析    6
(一) 上海会展立法历程回顾    6
1. 与会展有关的地方立法    6
2. 与世博会知识产权保护有关的规范性文件    6
(二)上海《办法》应尽早出台    7
(三)上海会展知识产权保护立法中需要注意的问题    7
1. 传统知识产权与会展新型智力成果的保护问题    7
2. 长效管理与会展期内短期管理职责的科学规范    7
(三) 法律规范以外应当考虑的影响因素    8
1. 多元管理体制的困扰    8
2. 行业协会的作用不明显    8
3. 会展企业自身发展不完善    8
四.对上海会展知识产权法制建设的思考    9
(一) 可以适用现有法律解决的问题    9 上海会展知识产权保护的法制建设:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_3233.html