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时间:2019-02-19 19:32来源:毕业论文

[毕业论文关键词] 三权分立制度;思想溯源;适用性分析
The ideological origin of the American power separation system and its applicability analysis to Chinese political system
Political science and public administration
Abstract:The American power separation system is an important part of the American Constitution of 1787 and it is a contemporary form of American political organization. Through it’s development for more than two hundred years, The American power separation system shows a strong vitality and stability. However, the idea of separation of powers is not the invention of the USA, it is development from the theory of separation of power. Firstly, by inspecting the origin of the American power separation system, we can sum up the theoretical basis of the American power separation system. Secondly, based on the ideological and cultural foundation of Chinese political system, we can analyze whether the American power separation system apply to our political system. Finally, pointing out that the American power separation system is not an application to China, and we must adhere to and practice the People's Congress system.
Key words:  Three power separation system;Ideological origin;Applicability analysis
一、    美国三权分立制度的内涵与其产生的社会、历史背景
在美国独立战争期间,大陆会议在1777年制定了《邦联条例》,并于1781年成 立邦联国会,宣布成立美利坚共和国,然而,邦联只是一个松散的联盟,虽然各州按照孟德斯鸠的三权分立思想将国家权力进行重新分配,但是,由于与生俱来的出自对专制的畏惧,各州对于行政权十分警惕。因此,各州的立法机关就负责行使政府的主要权力,于是,行政机关和司法机关在立法机关面前就处在一个弱势地位,加上权力机关之间缺乏相互的制约,这就造成立法机关处于一个实质上的专制地位,各州所担心的专制现象依旧无法消除。尽管如此,邦联时期对三权分立的尝试,为日后美国三权分立制度的发展和实践,起到了一个警示的作用。 美国三权分立制度的思想溯源及适用性分析:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_30386.html