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时间:2018-07-06 09:11来源:毕业论文

关键词  经济补偿金  劳动合同解除  倾斜保护
Title   The Study of Economic Compensation System in Labor Contract Law                         
In today's society of labor dispute cases increased year by year,among them the majority with economic compensation of labor contract dispute,this makes the economic compensation system of labor contract research is particularly important.Because the basic situation of each district is different,so different about the definition and nature of economic compensation.In combination with academic definition and nature of economic compensation to form the different theories,economic compensation may be defined as is a special system in China, its nature can not be defined as a kind of theory.After the "labor contract law" implementation,our country economic compensation applicable scope,payment standard and dispute resolution mechanism by law is perfect,but still in the non-compete economic compensation,the application of the economic compensation and relief measures on the provisions of the existing problems,need according to the three aspects of the improvement of the corresponding Suggestions to solve the problem.
Keywords  Economic Compensation,Severance of labor relations,Tilt protection  
目   次
1  引言    1
2  劳动合同经济补偿金制度概述    1
2.1  劳动合同经济补偿金的定义    1
2.2  劳动合同经济补偿金的性质    2
2.2.1  劳动合同经济补偿金性质的争议    2
2.2.2  劳动合同经济补偿金性质的定位    3
3  我国劳动合同经济补偿金制度的立法现状    4
3.1  劳动合同经济补偿金的适用情形    4
3.2  劳动合同经济补偿金的支付问题    5
3.3  劳动合同经济补偿金的争议解决机制    5
4  我国劳动合同经济补偿金制度存在的问题    6
4.1  竞业限制经济补偿金的支付标准方面无规定    6
4.2  劳动合同经济补偿金在适用方面存在问题    6
4.2.1  协商一致解除劳动合同时经济补偿金的规定不合理    6
4.2.2  经济补偿金的支付标准不合理    6
4.2.3  用人单位预告性解除劳动合同的条件规定过于原则    7
4.2.4  经济补偿金的计算标准不完善    7
4.2.5  劳动者“被迫辞职”情形下经济补偿金制度的适用存在问题    7
4.2.6  工会在经济性裁员中的作用难以显现    8
4.2.7  特殊用工形式中经济补偿金制度的适用问题    8
4.3  违反经济补偿金制度的救济措施不完善    8 劳动合同经济补偿金制度研究:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_19016.html