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时间:2017-06-01 18:47来源:毕业论文

摘要随着我国风电事业的不断发展,风电场规模的不断扩大,大型风电场并网运行对电网造成的影响也越来越大,因此深入分析风电场与电网并网的影响,成为进一步开发风能所迫切需要解决的问题。本文首先分析了国内外风力发电的发展和现状,风力发电的特点以及目前面临的一些技术问题。然后系统地介绍了风电场并网给电网各方面带来的影响。通过对一实际风电场的评估分析,介绍了闪变与谐波的计算方法。针对这些影响,本论文提出了一些改善电能质量的措施,并使用Matlab软件进行模拟仿真,直观地观察风电场对电网电压的影响,从而验证了提出的措施的有效性与可行性。关键词  风力发电 并网 电压波动及闪变 谐波 动态仿真 Matlab9540
Title    The research of the impact on the electric power quality after grid-connection with wind farm.
With the development of wind industry in China and the expansion of the scale of wind farms, the influence brought by large wind farms connected to power systems has become greater and greater. Therefore, the research on the impact of wind farm connected to power systems is an important issue that should be solved urgently. Firstly, the development and recent status of wind power in the world and in China, the characteristics and some technical problems of wind power are analyzed in this paper. Secondly, all the influence brought by the grid-connection are discussed systematically. And then the methods of calculation for the flicker and harmonic waves are introduced respectively through the evaluation and analysis for a real wind farm. At last, some measures to improve the quality of electric power are carried out. Meanwhile, a simulation is conducted on the Matlab to confirm the measures which are just mentioned. The feasibility and effectiveness of those methods are confirmed through the intuitive observations.
Keywords  Wind power generation  Grid-connected  The voltage fluctuation and flicker  The harmonic waves  Dynamic simulation  Matlab
目   次
1    绪论  1
1.1    选题背景及意义  1
1.2    国内外风力发电概况  1
1.3    风力发电的特点  3
1.4    风电场并网引起的问题及研究现状  4
1.5    本文主要内容  5
2    风电场电能质量问题分析  7
2.1    风电场对系统电压的影响  7
2.2    风电场对系统带来的谐波影响  10
2.3    风电场对系统频率的影响  11
2.4    风电场对系统三相平衡度的影响  12
2.5    本章小结  13
3    风电场电能质量评估分析  14
3.1    风电场并网方案  14
3.2    闪变  15
3.3    谐波  16
3.4    本章小结  20
4    风电场电能质量治理方案  21
4.1    电压波动和闪变的抑制手段  21
4.2    谐波的抑制方法  22
4.3    改善电压偏差的措施  22
4.4    风电场电能质量治理仿真分析  24
4.5    仿真内容及结果分析  29
4.6    本章小结  37
结论 39
致谢 40
参考文献 41
1  绪论
1.1  课题的背景和意义
随着工业的飞速发展,世界能源日益枯竭,环境不断恶化。人们的环保意识和危机感不断加强,各国政府纷纷制定新的能源政策,给风能、太阳能、潮汐能、地热能等再生能源的发展带来了新的契机[1]。这一浪潮正在重新塑造着电力工业,使电力工业在可持续发展的能源工业中面临新的机遇和挑战。风力发电作为一种重要的可再生能源形势,越来越受到人们的广泛关注。由于近年来风力设备制造技术的日趋成熟和风电价格的逐步降低,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家都在大力发展风力发电。 风电场接入对电网电能质量影响的研究:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_8299.html