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时间:2021-03-03 21:07来源:毕业论文

摘要发光二极管(LED)在电子行业中使用已有许多年,刚开始是应用到电子设备上的指示灯。最近几年来, LED灯亮度不断增加,可选的颜色也变多了,这意着发光二极管能得到更广泛的应用,从电脑屏幕背光到汽车日行灯,LED照明慢慢的代替着传统光源。63898


毕业论文关键词  LED  驱动电源 可调光


Title    Power supply design dimmable LED driver                     

Abstract Light emitting diode (LED) in the electronics industry for many years, is the beginning of the indicating lamp is applied to an electronic device. In recent years, LED lamp brightness increases ceaselessly, optional color is also more variable, which means that the light emitting diode can get more extensive application, from the computer screen backlight to automobile running lights, LED lighting slowly replacing traditional light source. The key factors of LED lighting fast and efficient development, is the practical intelligent LED controller with high brightness LED driver. This paper firstly introduces the background and current status of LED industry, then introduces the drive common topology, and then introduces the analysis of the use of SSL2103 chip and drives power of each part of the circuit, making a good driving power of real, finally test on real data, and draws a conclusion.

Keywords  LED, Drive power, Adjustable light

1 引言 1

1.1背景介绍 1

1.2 LED的基本特性的介绍 1

1.3 LED灯的现状 2

1.4 LED照明存在的问题 4

2 驱动器常见拓扑 5

2.1 降压斩波电路 5

2.2 升压斩波电路 6

2.3 升降压斩波电路 7

2.4 CUK斩波电路 8

2.5 Sepic斩波电路 8

2.6 Zata斩波电路 9

3芯片介绍 10

4驱动电源的实现原理 12

4.1 驱动器的原理框图 12

4.2 输入电路 12

4.3 减振钳位电路 13

4.4 输出电路 14

4.5 调光电路 15

4.6 恒流反馈电路 20

4.7变压器设计 22

4.8 整体电路 25

5实验测试数据 26

5.1 LED驱动电源的实物实现 26

5.2实验测试数据 27

结论 32

致谢 33

参考文献 34

1 引言


目前全球经济和社会正在快速发展,人们对能源的需求也是水涨船高。煤、油、天然气等这些和我们生活密切相关的能源都是不可再生能源,而等待我们的是严重的能源危机。煤和石油的大量使用,也产生了大量污染,使生态环境不断恶化。因此,在研究新能源的基础上,还需要快速提高能源利用效率。我们使用掉的能量形式有八成是电,其中照明用电又占了其中的五分之一。 SSL2103可调光LED驱动电源设计:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_70743.html
