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时间:2020-10-24 16:52来源:毕业论文
基于 VC 的监控软件的界面设计,并在利用 MSComm 控件测试通信功能的前提下,介绍了工控机与 Ardunio平台的通信协议和上下位机通信协议,并实现简单协议的数据包收发功能

摘   要 世界远洋运输业蓬勃发展, 船舶作为海上主要交通工具正发挥着越来越重要的作用。而海中悬浮物复杂,在船舶航行过程中会对船体产生严重的影响。而且,海洋结构生产平台水下部分结构由于长期处于海水的浸泡中,以及平台受船舶的碰撞,容易产生结构断裂、开裂和变形等现象。因此,对水下船体和海洋平台结构的检测与作业必不可少。人工作业风险大、成本高,逐渐被日益发达的机器设备所取代,而水下机器人(Remotely Operated Vehicle, ROV)就是其中一类极具代表性的设备,为海洋事业的发展和海洋科学研究带来了巨大的推动作用。 本文结合江苏省高技术船舶协同创新中心 2015 年科研项目,参与研制了一款多功能、模块化水下机器人 ROV样机,并主要研究了 ROV水面控制系统。 本文首先研究了 ROV的整体方案设计,根据 ROV的功能和任务要求,研究了ROV的整体结构组成和控制方案。 然后主要研究了 ROV水面控制系统的硬件组成和软件设计。 硬件部分主要包括控制面板的设计、 Ardunio 平台选型设计及其控制电路设计和电源箱的选型; 软件方面,主要是基于 VC 的监控软件的界面设计,并在利用 MSComm 控件测试通信功能的前提下,介绍了工控机与 Ardunio平台的通信协议和上下位机通信协议,并实现简单协议的数据包收发功能。 最后ROV进行功能模块测试和对水池实验,水池实验验证了本 ROV 能较好完成进退、旋转、升潜等运动,实现了预期设计目标。58500
Abstract      With the rapidly development of the world ocean transportation industry, as the main tool of the sea transportation, the ship is playing an increasingly large role. In the navigation process, when the bottom of the hull contact to the sea suspended solids These suspensions can seriously affecting the safety of ship navigation. On top of that, due to the long immersion in sea water and ship collision, offshore production platform under water structure prone to breaking, cracking and  deformation. Therefore, the detection of underwater hull and offshore platform structure and maintenance are indispensable. Manual operation risk, high cost, is gradually being replaced by increasingly advanced machinery and equipment, and underwater robots is one of a class of highly representative of equipment for the development of marine industry and marine scientific research has brought a huge boost. Based on collaborative innovation Center, Jiangsu Province, high-tech ship in 2015 project, involved in the development of a multifunctional, modular underwater robot ROV protype, and carry out research on surface control system. Paper first studied the overall design of the ROV,based on the function and tasks of the ROV,studied overall structure and control system of the ROV. Then studied the ROV hardware and software of surface control system.The hardware includes the design of box control panel and selection of power supply.Software,main  to design the interface and communication. Finally, onshore commissioning of the entire system, to meet the requirements  , We conducted a series of tank tests. Experimental verification of the ROV  can  complete the advance and retreat, rotation, fixed depth, given Airlines and other sports, can be taken to clear objects underwater structures, to achieve the desired design objectives.       
Keywords: ROV; test and operation; control system; tank test









