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时间:2017-04-27 18:30来源:毕业论文

关键词 光伏发电 预测模型 神经网络Title The research of Photovoltaic power prediction mo del
based on BP neural network
Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract
Large-scale photovoltaic power generation is an effective way to use solar
photovoltaic power generation system by the light intensity and ambient
temperature and other climatic factors, grid power changes with
uncertainty. Therefore, the need to predict the power output of PV systems
research in order to coordinate the electricity sector, to reduce the
randomness of photovoltaic power system, improve system security and
stability. Through the analysis of the factors that affect the photovoltaic
power (meteorological factors), based on BP neural network theory, neural
network prediction model based on historical data in the actual project
in the predictive simulation model in Matlab software, to achieve light
volt power station output power, short-term forecasting, and training a
good model for testing and evaluation, and concludes with a method to
improve prediction accuracy.
Keywords Photovoltaic power generation forecast model
neural network目 次
1 绪论  1
1.1 光伏发电预报技术的综述  1
1.2 基于 BP 神经网络光伏预测模型的优缺点  3
1.3 论文研究内容  4
2 BP 神经网络及其学习算法 . 4
2.1 人工神经网络发展的历史回顾  4
2.2 BP 网络结构 . 6
2.3 BP 网络学习规则 . 7
2.4 本章小结  11
3 光伏发电原理  11
3.1 光伏电池的数学模型  11
3.2 光伏电池的输出特性  12
3.3 影响光伏输出功率因素的研究  13
3.4 本章小结  17
4 光伏阵列预测模型的设计  18
4.1 输入输出量的分析及选择  18
4.2 隐含层节点的确定  20
4.3 模型结构  21
4.4 传递函数  22
4.5 学习函数  23
4.6 性能函数  23
4.7 本章小结  23
5 网络的训练与仿真  23
5.1 输入输出数据的处理  24
5.2 网络的训练仿真  24
5.3 算法评价  30
5.4 本章小结  32
6 马尔科夫预测修正  32
6.1 马尔科夫链预测模型  33
6.2 马尔科夫修正  34
6.3 本章小结  36
结论  37
致谢  38
参考文献  39
附录 A . 41
1 1 1 1 绪论绪论绪论绪论
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