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时间:2018-10-16 18:52来源:毕业论文

本文在研究分析了以往沥青计量系统 ,以实现沥青的连续计量为目的,设计了以结构较为简单,性价比高,提高计量的准确度为要求的沥青连续计量系统,
Hardware design of asphalt continuous measurement system
Abstract:  In recent years, highway construction gradually become the top priority of national economic development, the amount of asphalt has gradually increased. However, due to the characteristics and properties of the asphalt, making it a long time does not solve the problem of measurement, the measurement accuracy is also problematic. Therefore, improving the accuracy of the pitch measurement, continuous measurement of asphalt quickly become an important area for future development.
Based on the analysis of the previous asphalt metering system to achieve continuous measurement of bitumen for the purpose of the structure is designed with simple, cost-effective, improve the measurement accuracy is required for continuous bitumen metering system.
This paper describes the asphalt continuous measurement system hardware design, mainly focuses on the following points: Firstly, to understand the main application development asphalt metering system; Secondly, the principle of continuous metering system to do a particular study and analysis; Thirdly, presentation of the SCM composition structure, interface, pins,etc.and the design of the various sub-circuits; Fourthly, the hardware asphalt continuous measurement system including inverter, sensors and a careful selection;Fifthly, continuous measurement system based on pitch characteristics and requirements, through calculation and analysis, will arrange the order of hardware to design the circuit diagram of the hardware system continuous metering of bitumen.
    Through this study, we will promote continuous asphalt continuous measurement system in the future development of more and more applications.
Keywords:  microcontroller; continuous measurement; temperature control; hardware; circuit diagram
目  录
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 课题背景与研究意义    1
1.2 沥青搅拌站的发展现状    1
1.2.1 国内外发展现状    1
1.3 沥青计量系统的发展现状    1
1.3.1沥青连续计量系统的应用    1
1.3.2 沥青计量系统的特点    2
1.4 本文的主要研究内容    2
第二章 沥青连续计量系统总体方案    3
2.1沥青计量系统的总体方案    3
2.1.1总体方案的设计目的与要求    3
2.1.2 总体方案    3
第三章 沥青连续计量系统计量方式的选择    4 51单片机沥青连续计量系统硬件设计:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_24189.html