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时间:2018-10-26 15:22来源:毕业论文
用MEHP处理卵母细胞,观察其颗粒细胞扩散情况与极体排出率,之后采用荧光染色技术检测其细胞的氧化应激与早期凋亡的情况。结果表明,极体排出率在用100μM MEHP 处理时并无明显变化

摘要:塑化剂,作为可提高材料柔软程度或使材料液化的一种添加剂。目前,塑化剂已被证明会对动物的生殖系统产生影响,但有关于其对雌性生殖系统发育的影响还研究较少。本实验检测了塑化剂的主要体内代谢产物邻苯二甲酸单(2-乙基己基)酯[mono-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate,MEHP]对猪卵子发育以及其质量的影响,首先用MEHP处理卵母细胞,观察其颗粒细胞扩散情况与极体排出率,之后采用荧光染色技术检测其细胞的氧化应激与早期凋亡的情况。结果表明,极体排出率在用100μM MEHP 处理时并无明显变化,但在用125μM和150μM的MEHP处理时则显著下降,颗粒细胞的扩散也受到了抑制;与对照组相比,卵子的ROS水平与早期凋亡的情况在MEHP处理后显著上升。综上,本实验证明了塑化剂通过影响ROS和早期凋亡来影响卵子的成熟。29705
The toxic effects of MEHP on oocytes quality
Abstract:DEHP is an additive that enhances the flexibility of the material or liquefies the material. At present, DEHP have been shown to have an impact on the reproductive system of animals, but there is little research on their impact on the development of the female reproductive system. In this study, we examined the effect of the main metabolite of DEHP, MEHP, on porcine oocytes development and its quality. The oocytes were treated with MEHP to observe the proliferation of cumulus cells and the rate of polar body extrusion, and then the oxidative stress and the early stage of the cells were detected by immunofluore scence staining. The results showed that there was no significant change in the rate of polar body extrusion with 100μM MEHP treatment, but decreased significantly when treated with 125μM and 150μM MEHP, and the proliferation of cumulus cells was also inhibited. After treatment with MEHP, the ROS level and early stage apoptosis compared to the control team were obviously increased. Collectively, this results indicated that MEHP affect the maturity of porcine oocytes by affecting ROS and early stage apoptosis.
Key words:MEHP; porcine oocytes; the polar body extrusion rate; oxidative stress; early stage apoptosis
目  录

Key words1
1 材料与方法2
1.1 抗体和试剂2
1.2 主要仪器设备 3
1.3 猪卵母细胞分离与成熟培养3
1.4 MEHP处理卵母细胞3
1.5 荧光染色3
1.5.1 氧化应激的荧光染色3
1.5.2 早期凋亡的荧光染色4
1.6 数据分析4
2 结果与分析4
2.1 MEHP对于卵母细胞极体排出率的影响4
2.2 MEHP处理导致卵母细胞发生氧化应激5
2.3 MEHP处理导致卵母细胞发生早期凋亡6
3 讨论7
4 小结8
参考文献 9
作为助剂的一种,塑化剂广泛的应用于化妆品、水泥、石膏以及洗涤产品的材料中,尤其是在聚乙烯塑料制品当中[1]。但由于其自身带有一定的危害,不能够作为食品添加剂使用,否则会影响人类以及家禽家畜的健康。塑化剂在大分子链之间分布,可以降低分子间作用力,降低聚合物的粘度,并增强柔韧性。但是塑化剂中的邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物,一般为低熔点固体或无色油状黏稠液体,难挥发,沸点高,具有较低的蒸气压和凝固点,难溶于水,易溶于有机溶剂,与水比重相似,并且与塑料分子的相溶性较好,两者间的结合主要靠氢键或范德华力,彼此的化学性质保持相对独立状态[2]。因此,当使用时限增长时,邻苯二甲酸酯类物质就可从塑料制品中不断地释放出来,对环境造成污染,从而间接对人类以及家禽家畜的健康产生潜在影响。 塑化剂对猪卵子质量的毒性作用研究:http://www.751com.cn/yixue/lunwen_25046.html