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时间:2018-10-15 21:19来源:毕业论文

Comparison of Three Antibody Detection Kits for Foot-and-mouth Disease Dirus
Abstract:In order to test the efficacy of FMDV ELISA antibody test kit,three kinds of commonly used test comparison kits were selected for comparison,because of the difference in the detection effect of different branded kits.The standard serum was prepared by cell neutralization test,and 40 standard positive sera and 20 standard negative sera were prepared.The serum samples of 80 day old pigs were collected,to detect foot-and-mouth disease virus antibody levels in serum samples.From the sensitivity,specificity and coincidence rate of three aspects of the three kinds of kits were compared.The sensitivity of the three kits was 0%~65%,the specificity reached 100%,and the coincidence rate was 33.3%~76.7%.In the pig serum samples of different ages,the results of three kits showed that the antibody of foot and mouth disease was gradually decreased before immunization,and the antibody gradually increased after immunization. It can be seen that the level of antibody titers of foot and mouth disease has a certain effect on the consistency of the three kinds of kits.In conclusion,the Prio Check FMDV antibody test kit has a relatively good detection effect,and can be used as an effective method for the detection of foot and mouth disease.
Key words:Foot-and-mouth disease virus;antibody detection kits;comparison and application
目  录
Key words 1
1 材料与方法2
1.1 抗体检测试剂盒2
1.2 标准阴性和阳性血清6
1.3 不同日龄猪血清样品7
1.4 试剂盒敏感性、特异性和符合率的计算方法7
1.5 操作过程7
1.5.1 试剂盒A操作程序7
1.5.2 试剂盒B操作程序8
1.5.3 试剂盒C操作程序8
2 结果与分析9
2.1 3种 ELISA 试剂盒敏感性、特异性和符合率的结果比较9
2.2 3种ELISA 试剂盒检测不同效价牛血清的结果比较10
2.3 不同日龄猪群口蹄疫抗体的检测10
3讨论 10
图1 试剂盒A5
图2 试剂盒B5
图3 试剂盒C6
图4 口蹄疫高免血清梯度稀释7
图5 试剂盒A酶标板血清布局图7
图6 试剂盒B酶标板血清布局图8
图7 试剂盒B酶标板血清布局图9
表1 抗体检测试剂盒4
表2 3种试剂盒敏感性、特异性和符合率比较9
表3 3种ELISA试剂盒检测不同效价牛血清的结果统计10
表4 3种ELISA试剂盒检测不同日龄猪血清样品中口蹄疫抗体的结果统计10
口蹄疫(Foot-and-Mouth Disease,FMD)是由口蹄疫病毒(Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus,FMDV)引起的人兽共患的一种急性、热性、高度接触性传染病[1]。该病患病动物的口腔黏膜、舌面、唇、鼻镜、蹄部和乳房皮肤等部位发生水泡、破溃并形成烂斑,发病率几乎达100%[2]。口蹄疫被世界动物卫生组织(World Organisation for Animal Health,OIE )列为必须通报的动物疫病[3],被我国列为一类动物传染病之首[4]。口蹄疫大规模的流行,会给畜牧业的发展造成很大危害,并且会波及到市场上动物肉、奶、毛、皮的供应以及以肉、奶、毛、皮为原料的轻工业和食品加工业,给畜牧生产以及进出口贸易造成巨大经济损失,直接威胁到国家声誉和人类的食品卫生安全,因而受到国内外普遍的关注[5]。在应对FMD方面,我国采取疫苗免疫接种和扑杀的综合防治措施,总的原则首先是做好预防,采取预防、封锁和扑杀措施[6]。 口蹄疫病毒3种ELISA抗体检测试剂盒的比较:http://www.751com.cn/yixue/lunwen_24163.html