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时间:2021-08-01 20:44来源:毕业论文




Daily small things round fan painting

    Abstract: I created this time mainly to the "daily small painting" the fan painting creation, the nostalgic era theme series of small objects. Childhood things in our memory of many people, always evoke our nostalgia, these have been accompanied by the growth of toys and daily necessities, I still feel so cordial and beautiful today! Although some of them are gradually disappearing in our lives, the emotion and yearning are increasing day by day.

The fine brushwork painting is known for its fine and delicate brushwork, and it is a kind of traditional Chinese painting. Ancient paintings advocating realism, seeking shape, but slowly from the artistic conception and light form, subject matter is roughly pided into figures, landscapes, and flowers and birds. Therefore, painting has fine brushwork and freehand brushwork. The traditional fine brushwork painting pursues vivid and colorful brushwork, with distinct and rich layers, and the image is exquisite and realistic. As a representative Chinese painting section, it is necessary to explore and innovate constantly, so as to have eternal vitality. Through four years of professional study, I want to use the painting style, theme selection with me to grow with the characteristics of the small objects, the traditional painting with the distinct sense of the times, and try to explore as a meaningful.

Key words:  Claborate-style painting, nostalgia, small items, time feeling

目  录

摘要  1

引言 5

第1章 选题来源. 6

第2章 研究目的 6

(一) 关于工笔画的艺术 6

(二) 关于儿时小物件的来历 6

第3章 创作思路 7

3.1 观察与探索 7

3.2 分析 9

第4章 创作过程 10

4.1 总体设计 11

4.2 《日常小物的团扇绘画》系列作品效果图 12

结论 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15


    工笔是中国画的一种表现方式,它以对制作、色彩、装饰、材质等观念的推崇或认同,展现着更为多样的表现空间;同时,它又用意工致、形神精微,而与“逸笔”或“粗笔”相对,从而反哺着中国画创作中的粗率习气与心态。在浮躁的文化风气下,它以细腻的语汇,引领人的精神与情思走向温和与纯粹。以这样的意义言之,工笔就不仅仅是一种绘画体式,它更代表着一种文化态度,它是崇尚“品质”与“精致”的。 日常小物的团扇绘画工笔画创作:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_79363.html
