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时间:2021-01-27 20:43来源:毕业论文

摘要:王宠,字履仁,明代书家,与祝枝山、文征明并称吴门三家。王履仁命途多舛,屡试不第,常年隐居太湖,纵情于山水之间。其独特的生活经历,谦厚温醇的性格,使之王宠的书法风格,在当时的吴门书派中风格迥异,王宠书法善行草和小楷,给人一种潇散俊朗,宽阔大气,朴实古雅的风格,尤其小楷格调稚趣,以拙成雅,以雅入拙,其书人称“以韵胜”。 本文主要研究探索王宠小楷“以拙取巧,合而成雅”中拙与雅的内在含义,通过王宠的生平和师承及书学取法,对其所表现的艺术风格及价值,来研究其形成原因,以及在王宠这一生中,他的小楷拙与雅的表现形式和精神内涵,对后世书家的影响,有何深远的地方。可惜王宠天不假年,早早病逝,终明一早,给人留下了耐人寻的的韵律,使得后人推崇不已。62759


Abstract: raven, fulfillment of words, the Ming dynasty calligrapher, and ZhuZhiShan, wen Ming said wu door three. Wang Lvren not fare well, try't repeatedly, perennial seclusion in taihu lake, indulge in landscape. Its unique life experience, modest character of temperature, alcohol, raven, calligraphy style, different style in the wu door book sent time, raven, calligraphy cursive and lower case, give a person a kind of good Xiao dispersion, spacious atmosphere, guileless quaint style, especially the lower case style is childish is boring, hard to into, to into the station, the book called \"with rhyme wins\". In this research to explore the raven, lower case \"to opportunistic, and elegant\" compensated and the meaning of, and determining the calligraphy by raven's life and shicheng, artistic style and value of its performance, to study the forming reason, and the raven, in this life, his lower case compensated with form and spirit connotation, calligrapher's influence on later age, what is the profound place. Unfortunately, raven, day not false, died early and early Ming, are intriguing rhythm, make the posterity praise highly.

Keywords: raven, lower case, compensated, elegant,

前言 6

1王宠的生平及艺术成就: 6

1.1王宠的生平: 6

1.2王宠书法风格形成的历史背景 7

1.3王宠的书学取法及艺术成就 7

2王宠小楷“以拙取巧,合而成雅”浅析 8

2.1王宠小楷风格前后期及特点 8

2.2王宠小楷“以拙取巧”的拙 10

2.3王宠小楷“合而成雅”的雅 13

2.4王宠小楷“拙”与“雅”的对举 14

3王宠小楷的“拙”与“雅”对后世书家的影响 14

3.1王宠小楷对我的启发与学习 14

3.2王宠小楷“拙”与“雅”对后世书家的影响 14

结 论 16

参考文献 17

致谢: 18

王宠是明中叶时期吴门书家的代表人物之一,在中国书法史上就有不可或缺的地位,就小楷而言,晋人书风甚重,其拙趣的意,古雅的意境,更是对明清书风影响巨大,如清初著名书法家八大山人,其笔法就直入王书。王宠一生虽多坎坷,所学抱负未能卖与帝王之家,终八次科举不顺,郁郁而终,可其文词、书学水平之高,得以让王宠青史留名,不输生前身后名家,连其兄王守,虽高中进士,可在史书之上,也只附于王宠书名之下。惜王宠英年早逝,其书学思想大多只在自己的诗稿和书画墨迹中存现,加之传世作品较少,于当时吴门其他大家如祝枝山和文征明相比,后世可堪研究资料不多,不能不说是个遗憾。 王宠小楷以拙取巧合而成雅中拙与雅的内在含义:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_69048.html
