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时间:2021-01-24 11:47来源:毕业论文

摘 要:随着人们对个人形象的注重,对纹身文化的接受程度逐渐提高,纹身这一行业肯定会发展的越来越好,而当前纹身工作室都比较单一,我要设计出一个纹身工作室的品牌形象,使消费者更快速,清楚的了解自己所选择的品牌。“纹生”纹身工作室的设计以创意图案为主,通过张扬,开放的表现手法,来吸引注意,从而达到对“纹生”这一品牌的宣传。图案主要围绕着“女人、蝴蝶、生长”这几个关键词展开设计,表达了纹身的自由性、美观性,还有创意性。该品牌有梦想和生长两大系列。从设计图案到表现手法都使人颠覆以往对纹身的“带有黑社会性质”的定义。因此使人们了解纹身的真正含义,最后达到相信“纹生”这个品牌,选择“纹生”这个品牌。62598


Abstract:As people focus on personal image, the tattoo culture, a gradual increase in the degree of acceptance, the tattoo industry will certainly develop better and better, and the tattoo studio are relatively simple, I want to design a tattoo studio brand image, so that consumers more rapid, clear understanding of their choice of brands. Tattoo studio tattoo studio design based on creative pattern, through publicity, open performance approach to attract attention, so as to achieve the brand of the brand propaganda. The design mainly revolves around the "woman, the butterfly, the growth" this several key words launches the design, the expression has the tattoo freedom, the esthetic, also has the creativity. The brand has two major series of dream and growth. From the design pattern to the expression gimmick all make the person subversion the past to tattoo the "with the black the social character" the definition. So make people understand the true meaning of tattoos, and finally believe that the "grain students" the brand, choose "grain health" this brand.

Keywords:grain production,tattoo studio,brand image,growth

1  背景介绍 4

现状分析 4

3  “纹生”纹身工作室品牌形象设计的目的和意义 5

4  “纹生”纹身工作室品牌形象设计方案概述 6

4.1  整体分析 6

4.2  设计思路 6

4.3  设计内容 6

4.3.1 “纹生”纹身工作室品牌形象之标志设计 6

4.3.2 “纹生”纹身工作室品牌形象之工作室展示 7

4.3.3 “纹生”纹身工作室品牌形象之图案设计 8

5  “纹生”纹身工作室品牌形象应用部分 10

5.1  名片设计 10

5.2  徽章设计 11

5.3  T恤设计 11

5.4  手提袋设计 12

5.5  书签设计 13

5.6  面具设计 13

5.7  海报设计 13

5.8  帆布鞋设计 14

5.9  人字拖设计 14

5.10  明信片设计 15

6  创新与不足 纹生纹身工作室品牌形象设计+答辩PPT:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_68860.html
