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时间:2021-01-24 11:13来源:毕业论文

摘 要 :在现代高速发展的时代,人们的文化水平越来越高,人们的审美观念也随着提高。作为一件商品,它的包装是否吸引人是至关重要的。包装设计是沟通品牌商品生产商与消费者之间的感情纽带。因此,让相同的商品以差异化形态展现在顾客眼前就是提高商品在消费者面前就成为包装设计的主要目的。本文概述了花茶的渊源,“润”花茶系列包装的定位、制作流程,从标志设计到字体选择以及颜色的选定和设计理念都进行了描述,通过专业的设计工具,实现了对本包装的整体流程展示。目的是将具有中国的特色和文化底蕴的花卉插画作为视觉元素运用到现代的包装设计中去,让人们不仅从颜色、形状上来感受花茶包装,还要从触觉上感受到花茶的润。62584

毕业论文关键词 :花茶,包装,设计理念,流程

Abstract: in the modern era of rapid development, people's cultural level is increasingly high, people's aesthetic ideas are also improving. As a commodity, its packaging is essential to attract people. The packaging design is the emotional bond between the brand commodity producers and consumers.. Therefore, so that the same merchandise to the difference in the form of differentiation in the customer is to improve the product in front of consumers become the main purpose of the packaging design. This paper gives an overview of the origin of tea, "run" tea series packaging, production processes, display on the packaging of the whole process from logo design to select the font and color selection and design concept has carried on the description, is achieved through the professional design tool. The aim is to with Chinese characteristics and cultural heritage of the floral illustrations as a visual element applied to modern packaging design to, let people not only from the color, shape up feelings of tea packaging, but also from the tactile feel tea run.

Keywords: tea, packaging, design, process

1  前言 3

2  “润”花茶系列包装设计背景分析 3

3  “润”花茶系列包装设计目的及意义 4

4  “润”花茶系列包装设计方案概述 4

4.1  logo设计 4

4.2  插画元素设计 5

4.3  广告宣传文字选择 6

4.4  色彩设计 6

5  创新与不足 8

5.1  设计创新 8

5.2  设计不足 8

结语 9

作品完成稿 10

展示效果图 12

参考文献 14

致谢 15

1  前言


花茶与人们熟知的绿茶、乌龙、铁观音不同,它不含咖啡因、单宁酸等刺激成分,亦无茶碱,无须担心喝了之后会亢奋、失眠,也不用害怕长期饮用会上瘾,并且花茶具有排毒养颜效果,受广大女性的喜爱。而花茶的包装是它的重要组成部分,人们的文化水平与审美观念逐日提高,人们除了考虑到口感,视觉上的享受也至关重要。一个花茶的包装是商品与消费者之间的情感纽带,它是宣传商品的重要因素。因此,让相同的花茶以差异化形态展现在人们眼前就是我此次包装设计的主要目的。源:自/751^-论,文'网·www.751com.cn/ “润”花茶系列包装设计+答辩PPT:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_68846.html
