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时间:2017-05-11 20:39来源:毕业论文

Landscape planning and design of Changzhou third woolen mill——Leisure and cultural landscape and sketches plan
Reconstruction is an abstract transition between tangible and intangible values, and also can create a visible economic benefit. The costs of the reconstruction of waste industrial plant can be saved around one-third to one-fourth of construction costs and large public building costs. Demolition of the old industrial plants use a lot of energy, the construction had been accompanied by carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide emissions of greenhouse gases. Reconstruction will lead to new pollution and exacerbate the greenhouse effect. More importantly, after the demolition of construction wastes can’t be naturally degraded. Regardless of the architecture or history, are integral parts of the city. It’s an important role for the urban context continuity and integrity of the environment, it can be understood as a resource from the perspective of cultural ecology. Therefore, we are going to transform Changzhou third woolen mill, we will reform it and keep the old buildings as many as possible, not only enhance the value of the original block, but also Increase its ecological benefits.
Key Words: Reconstruction, public space, landscape sketch, textile culture
目   录

1  引言    1
1.1 项目研究背景    1
1.2 项目研究意义    1
文献综述    4
2.1公共空间    4
2.2城市文化    4
2.3园林景观小品    4
2.4园林植物    5
2.5景观水处理    5
3  设计思路    7
3.1 基地现状    7
3.2 规划设计构想    7
3.3 景观规划设计说明    9
3.3.1 基地调研    9
3.3.2现状SWOT分析    9
3.3.3项目设计理念    12
4  景观规划设计分析    14
4.1 功能分析    14
4.2 水系分析    15
4.3 景观结构分析    16
4.4 交通道路分析    17
4.5 元素分析    18
4.6 节点平面图    19
4.7 节点透视图    20
5  结束语    23
致  谢    24
参考文献    25
1  引言
1.1 项目研究背景
常州是一座具有2500多年历史的文化古城,素有“三吴重镇、八邑名都”之称,春秋时称延陵,公元589年隋文帝时定名常州。常州人杰地灵,人文荟萃,享有“天下名士有部落,东南无与常匹俦”之誉。“常州今文经学派”、“阳湖文派”、“常州词派”、“常州画派”和“孟河医派”饮誉全国。其民间工艺中的根雕、金坛刻纸、梳篦、乱针绣、汉画砖刻屏、留青竹刻更是堪称精湛流传至今。 休闲文化景观小品规划景观设计:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_6779.html