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时间:2020-12-14 19:35来源:毕业论文

摘要: 纵观历史长河,朝代更迭兴盛衰落。细数历代帝王,梁武帝萧衍、女皇武则天、秦王李世民、清高宗乾隆等,皆善笔墨,但是论对书法具有独创性的书家要数宋徽宗--赵佶。在国家的治理上,其荒淫无道,穷奢至极。但就是这样的一位帝王,他的书法成就辉煌显著,独创“瘦金体”。本文就徽宗“瘦金体”的形成因素展开深度剖析。文章共分为三个部分进行论证:第一章是简单扼要的论述“瘦金体”这一书体。第二章是深度探索“瘦金体”这一书体形成的相关因素,分别从北宋当时的社会、文化背景,徽宗的学书渊源方面以及其在艺术领域表现出的极高天赋和自身修养,甚至联系到家自由超脱、天人合一的主体精神等方面分层论述。第三章是简述宋徽宗“瘦金体”的艺术价值以及对后世的影响。60757

毕业论文关键词:宋徽宗 瘦金体 书法风格 成因

 Abstract:Throughout history, dynasties prosperous decline. Count every emperor, emperor wudi xiao yan, empress wu zetian, the king of qin account, clear the emperor qianlong, etc, all good ink, but the original theory calligraphy calligrapher to bei - was. On the governance of the country, its decadent no way, poor luxury. But is such an emperor, his calligraphy brilliant achievements significantly, his original "ShouJinTi". In this paper, the alternated "ShouJinTi" about the forming factors of depth profiling. Demonstrate the article will be pided into three parts: the first chapter is terse style "ShouJinTi". The second chapter is the depth of exploration "ShouJinTi" style the formation of the related factors, respectively from the northern song dynasty social , alternated study book origin aspect as well as its high talent in the field of art show and their self-cultivation, even contact home free detachment, the respect such as the main body of nature and humanity spirit stratification. The third chapter is a brief bei song "ShouJinTi" artistic value and its influence to the later generations.  

Key words: Emperor Huizong in North Song Dynasty shoujinti calligraphy characteristic fact 

引言 3

1 “瘦金体”的定义 3

2 “瘦金体”风格形成因素 5

2.1 北宋的社会文化背景 5

2.2  宋徽宗“瘦金体”学书渊源 7

2.3  道家思想在“瘦金体”中的体现 13

2.4 徽宗本人的艺术修养 14

3 “瘦金体”艺术价值及对后世的影响 14

3.1“瘦金体”艺术价值 15

3.2“瘦金体”对后世的影响 15

结论 16

参考文献 17

致谢 18


在历史的长河里,无论是怎样的一位帝王都永载史册。有骁勇善战者、有通晓音律者、有擅歌词诗赋者、更有善文墨者。而文章所探讨的正是一位善笔墨的帝王---宋徽宗。日月星辰,朝代更迭,细数历代善笔墨的帝王,梁武帝萧衍、秦王李世民、女皇武则天、清高宗乾隆等,他们皆喜作书法,然而论书法成就当属宋徽宗,其在书法领域成绩斐然,独创“瘦金体”,可称为书法界的一朵奇葩。虽然他是一位穷奢至极、荒淫无道的皇帝,但其书法风格却非“字如其人”。其“瘦金体”逑丽劲美,清新爽利似兰竹般,若丝丝幽香沁人心脾。而这样的一位帝王却是这样的书法风格,它的成因是什么?文章便是围绕这一问题展开剖析,随着文章的脚步了解深入,明了“瘦金体”的艺术风格及其成因和艺术价值等。 探析宋徽宗“瘦金体”书法风格成因:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_66300.html
