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时间:2020-12-07 20:35来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关 键 词:古典主义 伦勃朗 肖像画 主观表现 情感

Abstract:Colorful painting language, for the pursuit of classical figure painting and love, to the contemporary figure painting painting skill and combined with the classical masters of painting, at the same time as the breakthrough point, causing the thinking character of Chinese contemporary oil painting present situation, through the classical painting skills to enrich the contemporary oil painting. This topic mainly through the study of classical painting skills and learning, the application of classical painting skills to the author's creation in the in-depth analysis of classical painting master painter Botticelli and Holbein Hans, thanks for the picture using brush strokes, color and texture on the basis of combining with the characteristics of female portrait master sargent picture style, form has its own unique style of painting. In the process of graduation creation, the author's personal experience as the main body, the combination of traditional paintings of realism creation characteristics of modern painter, create valuable outstanding works of art. 

Keywords: Classicism  Rembrandt  portraits  subjective expression  emotion

目   录

1 前言 4

2《我》的创作 4

2.1创作背景 4

2.2创作内容和意义 4

3大师们抒发情感的油画语言 5

3.1大师笔下线条、色彩的情感宣泄 5

3.2女性美的魔术师--萨金特 6

4我的创作 7

4.1冷暖色的巧妙对比 7

4.2光影下的明与暗 7

4.3逼真细腻的厚与薄 7

结  论 9

作品展示 10

参考文献 11

致  谢 12

1 前言


2 《我》的创作


无论数码影像技术怎么先进,作为绘画的油画肖像画仍有它所独有的艺术魅力,伴随着四年油画学习使我对人物肖像画的兴趣越来越浓,肖像画的创作需要关注人物的内心,把握人物身体的动态以及人物精神面貌的刻画,充分体现出对于人物内心的关怀,体现了以人为本的精神。 油画《我》的创作体会:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_65978.html
