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时间:2020-09-18 19:44来源:毕业论文

摘  要:中国花鸟画是一门独特的绘画艺术,在民族精神文化熏陶下不断的发展并自我完善,且成为了世界绘画史上一朵瑰丽的奇葩。花鸟画是一门视觉艺术,其独特的艺术语言表达形式,在中国历史文化发展的过程中不断演变趋于成熟,从而使它的艺术内涵、审美、立意、意境、气韵和风格笔墨等逐渐走向了完善与丰富。中国花鸟画的形式具有民族性和时代性的特点,并随着生活内容、审美标准和时代的改变不断的发展变化。中国画追求的是诗情画意,尤其讲究含蓄美,以“意境之美”给人美感。“意境之美”包括了情、意、理、韵、趣、等美的因素,正是这种情景交汇、虚实结合的结构特征和意韵无穷的审美特征,集中体现了中华民族的审美理想。56407


Abstrate:Chinese bird is a unique painting, continuous development and self-improvement in the nation's spiritual and cultural influence, and the history of the world has become a magnificent flower painting wonderful. Bird and flower painting is a visual art, language arts its unique form of expression, in the course of Chinese history and culture in the development of the evolving mature, making it the artistic content, aesthetic, conception, the mood, the spirit and style of pen and ink and so gradually a sound and rich. In the form of Chinese bird has a national character and characteristics of the times, and with live content, aesthetic standards and the times change constantly evolving. Chinese painting pursuit of poetic, especially pay attention to subtle beauty, "the mood of the United States" sensuous. "Mood Beauty" includes a beauty factor feelings, intentions, science, rhyme, interest, taste, etc., it is characterized by the appearance of the intersection of this scenario, structural characteristics and aesthetic characteristics of infinite charm combined with the actual situation of the Chinese nation epitomizes aesthetic ideal.

Keyword:Flowers and Birds,Formal Languages,Artistic conception

目  录

引言 4

1  花鸟画的发展及现状 4

2  花鸟画的形式与意境 4

2.1 花鸟画的形式美 4

2.2 花鸟画的意境美 5

2.3 毕业创作中形式与意境的体现 5

3  创作体会 7

结论 9

参考文献 10

致谢 11



1  花鸟画的发展及现状 

    在工艺、绘画与雕刻还没有明确分工的原始社会,中国花鸟画就已萌芽,到两汉六朝时已经形成了大致的规模,又经过几百年的发展演化,花鸟画的轮廓已完全成熟。黄筌和徐熙是五代时期极具个性的两种风格流派的画家,它们在绘画时所选取的题材和各自独特的绘画手法,分别表达了或野逸亦或富贵的情境意趣。五代之后,流派纷呈,画家辈出,在这个时期形成的绘画风格也是多样的。在风格精丽的工笔设色花鸟画继续发展的同时,两宋时期及元代出现了以水墨写意为主,风格简括奔放的花鸟画,“四君子画”即梅、兰、菊、竹。随着写意花鸟的不断深入发展,以明末的徐渭为代表,实现了以草书入画并且强烈的抒发个性感情的变革,至清初时期的朱耷更是达到了史无前例的水平。历经了数千年的发展,中国花鸟画已经累积了丰富的创作经验,能够在世界绘画史上占据重要位置,并在近现代产生了齐白石、吴昌硕、潘天寿、李苦禅、关山月等花鸟画的大师。 浅析花鸟画的形式与意境:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_60926.html
