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时间:2020-08-01 20:07来源:毕业论文



Abstract: The planned site is located in Huaiyin District of City, east to Beijing Road, west to the planning branch, South to Huaihe Road, north to the planning branch. Block east, West, north side are planning residential land , South side are south area of Campus of Wang Ying, Huaiyin Normal University. The total planning area is 36.06 hectares, with flat terrain and convenient traffic. According to the concept of "high starting point, standardization, prospective", the re planning of the land is to build a modern campus area with scientific layout, beautiful environment, complete functions,which embodies the culture of Huaiyin Normal University. The final results of design are: the general layout of plan, aerial view, the central square perspective drawing of teachers’ living area, base analysis diagram, location analysis, present situation analysis, path analysis diagram, landscape analysis diagram, sunshine analysis diagram, apartment layout distribution map, the design specification and so on.

Keywords: university campus, planning, design, specification

目  录

1  项目概述 3

2  设计依据 3

3  设计目标 3

4  设计原则 4

4.1  空间开放化原则 4

4.2  资源分享化原则 4

4.3  环境生态化原则 4

4.4  校园园林化原则 4

4.5  校园可达性原则 4

5  空间结构 4

6  道路交通系统 5

6.1  校园出入口与周边道路的关系 5

6.2  机动车交通系统 5

6.3  步行交通系统 5

6.4  停车系统 5

7  绿地景观系统 5

8  教师公寓户型设置 6

9  技术经济指标

1  项目概述


2  设计依据


(2)民用建筑设计通则 GB 50352-2005;

(3)总图制图标准 GB/T 50003-2001;

(4)住宅设计规范 GB 50096-1999;

(5)住宅建筑规范 GB 50368-2005;

(6)房屋建筑制图统一标准 GB/T50001-2001; 师范学院规划设计道路设计研究:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_57373.html
