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时间:2020-07-30 21:36来源:毕业论文

摘要:吴昌硕在中国的艺术史上,可称为大家。他是一位集诗书画印于一身的全能型艺术大师。本论文主要是研究吴昌硕的艺术思想——“贵能深造求其通”,以及“通”的思想在艺术实践中的运用。吴昌硕将诗、书、画、印融合贯通,取其精华,去其糟粕,再融合自己的审美理想、审美情感,形成了独具魅力的金石气的艺术风格。他巧妙地将书法中的线条、取势、黑白、章法、意境等运用到其他的艺术形式中,且不失自然、烂漫,很是值得玩。吴昌硕的兼通思想不仅影响了他自己的艺术,同时对齐白石、潘天寿等后人也造成了一定的影响和启示。 53112

毕业论文关键词:吴昌硕  艺术  兼通   

Abstract: Wu Changshuo called a all---round artist who had a good knowledge of poem,calligraphy,painting and carving seals can be regarded as a greatest master in the history of Chinese art.

The thesis mainly focuses on his artistic thoughts---he achieved mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject and the thought of“Tong”was used in art practice.Wu Changshuo would have elements including poem,calligraphy,painting and carving seals connected with each other. He had his own charming style, adopting the way to discard the dross and select the essence as well and then combine the thoughts with his aesthetic ideal and emotion. He made line,art of composition,artistic conception of calligraphy use in other art form subtly, which was worth appreciating and had characters of pain and nature. His thought of “Jiantong” not only had a positive effect on his art but influenced Qi Baishi and Pan Tianshou’s art style.

Keywords : Wu Changshuo  Art  “Jiantong”

目  录

1 引言 7

2 吴昌硕的艺术兼通思想 7

2.1 吴昌硕的艺术简介 7

2.2 兼通的含义 8

2.3“贵能深造求其通” 9

3 吴昌硕艺术兼通思想的实践研究 9

3.1“强抱篆隶作狂草” 10

3.2“以书作画” 13

3.3“印从书出” 17

3.4“诗与书画性情寄” 18

4 吴昌硕兼通思想及其实践的影响 19

结  语 20

致  谢 23




2 吴昌硕艺术的兼通思想   简论吴昌硕艺术的兼通思想及其实践:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_57173.html
