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时间:2020-05-30 21:32来源:毕业论文



 Lin Liang flower-and-bird paintings of court painting inheritance and breakthrough

Abstract  Lin Liang period of Ming dynasty is quite a promising painter in palace flower-and-bird paintings, Lin Liang and former ink painting freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting in Ming dynasty, Lin Liang combined with claborate-style painting, ink painting freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting flowers and birds painting of his flower and-bird painting color, simple and vigorous clever with his pen, provides a reference for future generations of painters. He based on the study with the style of the southern song dynasty, through absorbing the traditional, the combination of fine brushwork and freehand brushwork, implement one of the most important to fly, in the history of Chinese paintings of the traditional Chinese paintings Lin Liang model has two parts: a reference to the southern song dynasty palace art academies gorgeous exquisite brushwork, draw lessons from the literati spirit of south song dynasty period 2 "to show" thoughts, Lin Liang for the breakthrough of traditional flowers and birds painting has three parts: a rich picture of the subject content, two grand Lin Liang flower-and-bird paintings, the integration of three fine brushwork and freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting techniques, Lin Liang is based on the inheritance of the southern song dynasty court paintings, make oneself of the painting style to make the transition to literati paintings, created a combination of fine brushwork and freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting techniques.

Key Words: Palace painting  Subject matter  Ink painting freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese

 目  录


Abstract II

目  录 III

一  林良生平及成就 1

二  林良对宫廷画的传承 1

三  林良花鸟画对宫廷画的突破 2

(一)题材:富贵野逸 2

(二)构图:  宏伟壮阔 3

(三)笔法: 以书入画 3

(四)墨法: 兼工带写 5

四  林良对我的影响 6

参考文献 10

一  林良生平及成就

林良(1428年~1494年),字以善,明代著名花鸟画家。擅长画花鸟果实,翎羽,着色简单又不失传统,足见精巧,其水墨禽鸟,树石极具特色。林良到三十岁时,他的画工已经渐渐成熟起来。在永乐至成化年间,林良是画工,与各种各样的人为伍,直至改锦衣卫镇抚,才有了从六品的官职,经常能应召作画,并且有机会看到宫廷里面的藏画,大大提高了自己的眼界。林良在最早期受到了宋代院体画的影响,在此基础上,林良发展了笔和墨的技巧,独具艺术特色,创造出“文人画化”的水墨写意花鸟画风格。其水墨写意花鸟画成为花鸟画坛的主流。他的水墨写意花鸟画,在当时上追南宋院体,竞尚艳丽工巧的宫廷画风中独树一帜,故颇为当时人所推重,对明代中期的花鸟画风产生了较大影响。  林良花鸟画对宫廷画的传承及突破:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_53378.html
