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时间:2017-03-29 21:35来源:毕业论文

Documentary is taken by real things in real life, people, spaces, and art processing and display, through the art of film or TV is thrown in the form of people's thinking.
This work is "I love Shanghai" and "gastronomy" vocabulary produced two hot spots to shoot documentaries 《A Bite Of ShangHai Food》,  thanks to the real scenery for the creation of materials in Shanghai, with the third generation of the local cuisine Ren Defeng disciple for the performance object, their one obsession and devotion to the local cuisine. Combine TV art form, exploring the local cuisine of Shanghai culture as well as the untold story. Food cultures, vegetable production and character story shows three local cuisine and unique relationship between the Shanghai people. In shooting and production of the film as a whole has been rendering and display of art. The variety of dishes, not only embodies the Shanghai innovation and crystallization of a chef, has developed a unique food culture, local cuisine into everyone's mind.
Key Words:  Documentary;  ShangHai Food ;  A Bite Of ;   Character ;
            Cooking Culture ;
目 录
一. 理论背景•1
    1.1 从电影母体到电视节目1
    1.2 纪录片的早期运用•1
    1.3 国内美食纪录片的现状2
二. 创作理念•4
    2.1 灵感来源4
        2.1.1 美食•4
        2.1.2 我爱上海4
        2.1.3 选题《舌尖上的本帮菜》••5
    2.2 项目简介6

三. 创作过程•8
    3.1 前期筹备8
        3.1.1 素材收集8
        3.1.2 联系采访8
        3.1.3 制定拍摄计划及大纲••8
        3.1.4 设备准备10
    3.2 中期拍摄11
        3.2.1 拍摄周期11
        3.2.2 画面语言11
        3.2.3 镜头语言12
    3.3 后期创作13
        3.3.1 解说词创作•13
        3.3.2 音乐与现场声••13
        3.3.3 蒙太奇艺术•13
        3.3.4 后期合成导出••14
        3.3.5 衍生设计16

四. 总结••18
五. 致谢••19
751. 参考文献•20
一、理论背景 传承饮食文化诗意性美食记录片:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_4533.html