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时间:2019-12-08 11:03来源:毕业论文




The application of multimedia digital technology in the display -- RAZER (Razer) brand display space 

Abstract:Modern commercial exhibition design is the frontier commodity display, to meet consumer demand, commodity market frontier experience from vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch sensory function of desire, the joyful space. Along with the increasingly large scale of consumption of games and entertainment industry, consumers to experience the virtual reality demand is also growing, as the media of information transmission and display, VR via and projection screen, body sense of interaction, holographic projection technology combined with each other, virtual experience to further improve. 

Brand business space must have its own unique characteristics, to be the booth with the brand's vitality and appeal; lack of personality, the booth will become homogeneous and flat to talk about no surprise, no appeal. In order to give the brand commercial space design with new vitality, we need to start from the brand characteristics, innovative and clever ideas in the process of designing and designing. 

Keywords: Exhibition Design,Digital Multimedia,Virtual Reality


封面 1

摘要 2

一、绪论 4

1.1 研究的目的与意义 4

1.2 国内外研究的背景及发展情况 4

1.3研究方法与手段 5

1.4 研究思路 5

二、多媒体数字展示的设计理念 6

2.1 多媒体数字技术的概念及分类 6

2.2 多媒体数字展示形式在展会中的应用案例 6

2.2.1 国内应用案例 7

2.2.2 国外应用案例 10

三、RAZER(雷蛇)品牌展示空间设计方案介绍 13

3.1 RAZER品牌背景 13

3.2 概念策划 13

3.3市场定位 14

3.4 设计定位 15

3.5 设计构想 15

四、策划方案 17

4.1 功能布局 17

4.2 人流导向图以及平面、立面图 18

4.3 展示具体方案 20

五、空间展示手段的运用 28

5.1灯光的运用 28

5.2交互手段的运用 RAZER雷蛇品牌展示空间设计多媒体数字技术在展示中的运用:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_42986.html
