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时间:2019-10-22 20:45来源:毕业论文

 With Hieroglyphs As Elements Of Chinese Characters Design To Explore Again
Chinese hieroglyphs as the source of the evolution of Chinese characters in the development of Chinese characters formation occupies the important position, as the Chinese people to the importance of traditional culture, as one of China's traditional culture of hieroglyphs gradually showing its national "charm". Contemporary for study hieroglyphs, hieroglyphs as Chinese traditional culture has a strong creative and plasticity, and for the design of the research is to explore the less again, so the hieroglyphs used in modern design for national character has the very high use value. This paper through the object shape characters are involved in the case analysis of visual design, found its designed to be used in the feature, and through the text object shape for the elements of the design again, the masses in the use of graphical text at the same time, to feel character charm of traditional culture in our country.
Key Words: Pictographs;   Traditional culture;   The Chinese character design
目  录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
目  录    III
一、象形文字介入相关设计的研究现状    1
二、以象形文字为元素的视觉设计的典型案例    3
三、以象形文字为元素的视觉设计的特点    5
(一) 符号性    5
(二) 可视性    5
(三) 创造性    5
(四) 装饰性    5
四、以象形文字为元素的视觉设计的实践    6
(一) 设计构思    6
(二) 设计展示    6
 结论    8
 参考文献    9
一、 象形文字介入相关设计的研究现状
作为文明古国的中国虽然有着悠久的历史,深厚的文化,但其设计业起步较晚。早期留学的设计者虽为本国设计注入新鲜血液,但其也带来了严重的抄袭现象,从而导致了本国设计者视角的偏差,以及国际跟风现象。周臻的《论平面设计中的图形化汉字》一文,以国内外文字运用对比为出发点,针对国内设计界以汉字为主题元素的设计薄弱现状,并通过分析中国文字的发展演变以及国内优秀汉子设计的例证,证明了图形化汉字设计的巨大潜力,以此探讨了图形化汉字在当代平面设计中的设计新思路。本研究以优秀例证证实了图形化汉字运用的可塑性,但例证内容缺乏一定设计新颖力。 以象形文字为元素的汉字再设计探究:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_41213.html