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时间:2019-10-15 21:05来源:毕业论文

中图分类号:TU986     文献标志码:A
Shandong Rizhao Yitong Residential area landscape design  
Abstract:Living is one of the basic human needs, and residential areas is to meet the needs of carriers. Residential landscape around us as the external environment residential area, is in contact with people's daily lives closest, the most frequent type of landscape. And its landscape quality can directly affect the quality of people's daily lives. Residential areas is a certain population and land size, and arrangement of centralized residential buildings, public buildings, green space, roads and various other service facilities, and is the natural boundaries of city streets or surrounded by relatively independent regions, urban construction and an important part of urban architecture, reflecting the level and degree of civilization development of the city. Construction and development of residential areas not only to promote the overall development of the urban landscape, improve the ecological environment of the city, reflecting living culture and spirit of the city, but also reflects people's pursuit for a better life and needs. Rizhao City, Shandong Province in the district belongs to the Champs multi-residential areas, should be relatively concentrated, multi-level landscape layout of the form, to ensure a reasonable focus landscape space service radius, as far as possible to meet the different age structure of populations of residents of different psychological orientation landscape need to create a space with its own distinctive landscape.
 Keywords: Residential area;Landscape; city; Xiang Xie Li; Resident;
1 居住区概述    1
1.1  居住区景观设计发展    1
1.2  所呈现的问题    2
2  小区现有总体规划景观格局评价研究    5
2.1  区位分析    5
2.2  设计愿景    5
2.3  住宅整体布局    5
3总平面图设计说明    6
4. 景观分析    7
4.1植物配置    7
4.2 道路系统    8
4.3 特色景点分析    8
4.4 照明    8
5  结束语    12
致谢    12
参考文献    13

1.2  所呈现的问题
我国的居住区景观设计形成于社会的发展和市场经济的催化,在很多方面还存在急功近利的诸多问题,使得居住区的品质良莠不齐,经不起时间的考验和推敲。   山东日照益通香榭里小区景观设计:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_40917.html