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时间:2019-08-17 21:49来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词】油画  当代人物  形式美  构图  造型  色彩
Discussion on contemporary figures in the painting form of beauty
【Abstract】This paper mainly through the contemporary figure painting as a theme of contemporary figures in the painting form, in the performance of the United states. The beauty of form is human life in the long-term practice, formed by perceiving various phenomena of nature, human and human's practice of abstract. It is a long process to form the sedimentary evolution and psychology. Oil painting in the creation of form beauty is mainly manifested in the composition, shape, color in the form of extrinsic factors, among the three are complementary, inpisible. Different theme figure painting has different forms of beauty, creator of the main stable composition and combination of shape and color to express emotions and artistic viewpoints. The different composition of the creators of different artistic point of view, different colors and shapes have different feelings of.
【Key Words】Oil painting   Contemporary figures   Beauty in form  Composition   Modeling    Color
目  录

摘要    2
引言    3
一、油画形式美的探索    4
  (一)形式美的界定    5
  (二)形式美的语言研究    6
 (三)油画表现语言的形式美在绘画中艺术魅力    7
二、浅谈当代人物在油画创作中的形式美    8
     (一)当代人物在创作中构图的韵律美    10
(二)当代人物在造型中的形式美    10
(三)当代人物在色彩的形式美    11
三、浅谈以当代人物为题材的油画个案分析    11
(一)刘秉江油画中民族表现语言的形式美    11
(二)赵培智油画人物与自热结合的形式美    16
    (三)靳尚谊油画人物轮廓线的形式美    20
四、浅谈艺术家情感对创作中当代人物的重要作用    25
结语    26
参考文献    27
致谢    28

众多人物画中,油画专指描绘人物肖像,在现实生活人物或是历史上客观存在的人物都可作为描绘对象。在描绘人物形象时,要求画家对人物的样貌、形态、神情、着装及环境等要作真实生动的描绘,借此能够表现出对象的精神气质、社会地位、时代风气并反映出艺术家本人的思想情感。中国的油画人物受到传统中国画的影响,通常会兼顾人物的写意性和情感赋予的抒情性,会着重刻划人物本身的真实样貌及内在神韵,以此来获取得形神兼备的视觉效果。 浅谈当代人物在油画中的形式美:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_37651.html