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时间:2019-06-14 23:28来源:毕业论文

摘 要:凡是到过敦煌的人,无一不为大漠苍穹中的莫高窟所震动。在黄尘漫漫的鸣沙山上,开凿了大大小小数以千计的洞窟,窟中画满了壁画,其中塑造了佛像的洞窟多达492个。由于量大面广,保存完好,历时千余年,故而,敦煌艺术可谓是我国中世纪的一部美术史册。36266
毕业论文关键词:敦煌  敦煌壁画元素  油画创作 传统文化
The power of faith
--- The application of Dunhuang elements in my creation
Abstract: who to Dunhuang, was rocked by the desert sky in the Mogao Grottoes. In the yellow dust Long Ming Shashan, digging the size fraction in thousands of caves and cave paintings full of murals, which portrays the Buddha cave up to 492. Due to the large amount of wide, Paul well kept, which lasted more than a thousand years. Therefore, Dunhuang art can be said is the Middle Ages in China's art history.
Abstract: who to Dunhuang, was rocked by the desert sky in the Mogao Grottoes. In the yellow dust Long Ming Shashan, digging the size fraction in thousands of caves and cave paintings full of murals, which portrays the Buddha cave up to 492. Due to the large amount of wide, Paul well kept, which lasted more than a thousand years. Therefore, Dunhuang art can be said is the Middle Ages in China's art history.
Abstract: who to Dunhuang, was rocked by the desert sky in the Mogao Grottoes. In the yellow dust Long Ming Shashan, digging the size fraction in thousands of caves and cave paintings full of murals, which portrays the Buddha cave up to 492. Due to the large amount of wide, Paul well kept, which lasted more than a thousand years. Therefore, Dunhuang art can be said is the Middle Ages in China's art history.
Key words: Dunhuang  Dunhuang frescoes elements  oil painting creation   traditional culture
敦煌的东西太多了,除了敦煌壁画,雕塑,石窟建筑这些明显美术方面的文化遗产,其在音乐舞蹈、医学、民俗学等等的方面都有极高的研究价值。从艺术的角度来看,敦煌文化带给我们无尽的美学享受和对西域塞外的民俗风情的无限遐想。 信仰的力量敦煌元素在油画创作中的运用:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_34635.html