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时间:2019-01-11 15:53来源:毕业论文

The Furnishings Design of The Restaurant
Abstract:With the improvement of people’s living level, they not only pay attention to the basic material requirements, but also pay more attention to enjoying the spiritual life. Furnishings design is a part of interior design, people have a higher and higher requirement of indoor environment, which makes the furnishings design in the link of interior design more and more important. So, the furnishings design has aroused a wide attention. This paper discusses about the furnishings design in the restaurant, through the characteristics and contents of the furnishings design and the furnishings design of the restaurant, summarizing the application of the furnishings design of Ya Yi Restaurant.In the design, respectively from the whole material, it majors in white, giving a sense of "net". Through the decorative accents cage lamp and the singing of deer, the design gives us a sense of "elegant", as well as the integral feeling of this restaurant "appropriate" flavor of the three aspects to highlight the theme of the restaurant.With  the new Chinese style style, the contemporary and contracted style and combined with traditional Chinese style, evolved into something new, let a person produce new feeling to traditional furnishings.
Key Words: restaurant space; display design; restaurant furnishings
一、绪论    1
(一) 陈设设计的意义和概念    1
(二) 陈设设计的发展状况    1
二、陈设设计对空间的影响    2
(一) 陈设品与餐饮空间的空间关系    2
(二) 陈设设计对餐饮空间的塑造作用    2
三、陈设设计在雅宜餐厅设计中的应用    2
四、雅宜餐饮陈设设计的特点    3
(一) 餐厅空间    3
(二) 雅宜餐厅空间特点与其他陈设空间的不同处    3
(三) 雅宜餐厅的陈设设计风格    4
五、雅宜餐厅陈设的内容    4
(一) 家具陈设    4
(二) 灯具    5
(三) 艺术品    5
(四) 布艺    5
(五) 绿植    6
(751) 餐具    6
751、结语    6
七、致谢    7
参考文献    8
(一) 陈设设计的意义和概念
一直以来餐饮空间是人类活动中最重要的活动场所之一,餐饮行业的竞争越发激烈,随处可见的餐馆,让人难以决择。然而餐饮品牌数量持续增加,个性化餐饮的发展趋势也日渐明显,但往往忽略了人们的生活品质。然而,越来越多的消费者开始关注餐饮的环境是否舒适,是否幽雅宜人。人们不再只看重菜的道,而是看重用餐的情调和餐厅的风格。这时候,餐饮的陈设设计在餐厅的设计中起到重要的作用。 餐厅陈设设计探讨以“雅宜”餐厅为例:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_29231.html