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时间:2018-11-10 16:01来源:毕业论文

关键词  老龄化  行为特征  人机工程
Title  The Elderly tableware design based on
behavioral characteristics           
The present paper is based on graduation project - tableware design based on behavioral characteristics of the elderly, from the perspective of industrial design to study the behavioral characteristics of the elderly. Through field research to nursing homes, and face to face conversation with the old and observation, I sum behavioral characteristics of the elderly. Throughout the design process, from preliminary research, sketch the evolution of modeling rendering, physical modeling, Throughout the design process, from preliminary research, sketch the evolution of modeling rendering, physical modeling, Throughout the design process, from preliminary research, sketch the evolution of modeling rendering, physical modeling, Throughout the design process which is based on the principles of industrial design, combining ergonomics, product design, I repeat the size and shape of the product. In order to really solve the special needs of the elderly with meals, I design a set of cutlery based on the behavioral characteristics.
Keywords  aging    behavior    Ergonomics
目 录
1  引言    3
1.1 老年人现状分析    3
1.2 餐具的发展现状    3
1.3 课题的现实意义    4
2  研究过程与设计分析    5
2.1 老年人行为特征分析    5
2.2 现有产品分析    5
2.3 实地调研    7
2.4 现存问题    9
3  设计方案及设计探究    11
3.1 设计思路    11
3.2 草图方案    12
3.3 尺寸    19
3.4 建模效果图    22
3.5 产品使用方式    23
3.6 材料及加工工艺    25
4 设计感想    26
结论    28
致谢    29
参考文献    30
1  引言
1.1  老年人现状分析
1.1.1  老年人生理分析
1.1.2  老年人心理分析
很多老年人虽然身体有一些疾病,但是他们心里很不服老,不希望通过别人的帮助来完成自己的需求。他们还是希望自己能够独立地生活,生活上一些基本的行为能够自己动手去做。因此,老年产品要尽量让老年人能够自己独立地使用。同时,老年人的生活圈子也不是封闭的,他们也希望像年轻人一样接触一些新的东西,尝试一些新鲜事。在设计老年人产品时,关注他们心理的缺乏,关注他们的需求,通过产品设计,激发购买欲望,实现真正消费,形成购买力。[1] 基于老年人行为特征的餐具设计:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_25632.html