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时间:2018-07-29 20:15来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:创作主题  平面构成  形式语言  情感表达
Blue sky! White cloud
Abstract: This article is a self painting creation analysis of the research, the Chinese painting freehand brushwork figure painting techniques and theory of a practical creation. Through the Chinese freehand brushwork figure painting unique techniques and ink form language, to express themselves in the world of contemporary Chinese painting professional undergraduate, for the creation of Chinese painting consciousness and research is not mature, need to fully understand the theory and creation practice, the Chinese last thousands of years of accumulation The connotation of the education of Chinese painting art and culture and is based on the premise of the essence of traditional culture inheritance, continue to carry forward and inheritance is characteristic of Chinese painting. Through the analysis of the self creation of graduation practice, created the record pre conceived, conception, final composition, color screen, technique research and application and problems in the study of the writing practice analysis, to stretch their thinking, analyze the causes and solve difficult means and last about the theme of creative research results. And research and creation at the same time, explain that my creative accumulation and the unique personal characteristics of the form of the language of painting.
Keywords: Creative theme  plane construction  formal language   emotional expression

我的这次选材的原因是:综合大学四年以来对于中国写意人物画的学习,主要以现实主义题材与技法为主。现实主义绘画大致可以理解为:表现真实的生活,描绘自己所见的客观事物的绘画。所以在生活当中那些能够引起我内心情感波动的现象就很容易让我有创作欲望,通过我的绘画作品来表达心里的那份情感。本次创作就是由于自己在现实当中的切身体会而开始的。回顾主题“蓝天!白云!——我的创作思考”谈创作题选题的由来:就在今年初春的一个早晨,天气乍暖还寒,我在太阳刚刚升起的时候,港城少有的的蓝天上吸,飘着一大片雪白的白云引了我,令我欣喜万分。心情好似阳光普照,仿佛看到了小时候的蓝天。可就在我的激动劲还没有过的时候,眼前一个景象深深地触动到了我的内心深处。原来,白云是不远处的热电厂的几十米高烟囱里冒出来的废气,原来它是“人造的”。引发了我的无限思考,创作的欲望也袭上心头。也正是我对童年美好环境的怀念,才让我产生对现在世界环境污染的极度痛心与无奈之情。那份沉重无法用语言来形容,我只有用绘画来释怀。我也相信,环境污染问题是大家都密切关心的,同样的痛心,每个人都会存在。所以我以此为创作题材。 自我绘画创作分析+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_20655.html