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时间:2020-07-05 15:31来源:毕业论文




 Abstract:In the human history and five thousand years of precipitation, Suzhou Tanci is the main representative of rap music in the south of China, its unique national compatibility with unique local features, which are widely Folk Art lovers. Formation and the development of Suzhou Tanci in human history is an important way to understand. In rap performance is reflected in China's folk art essence.

"Butterfly loves a flower, reply to Li Shuyi" is a poem from Mao Zedong. It is the expression of Mao Zedong infinite for his wife Yang Kaihui and admiration for husband of Liu Zhixun. "Butterfly loves a flower, reply to Li Shuyi" in Tanci artist Zhao Kaisheng creative, combined with Suzhou Tanci tunes and lots of singing, the emotion expression more earnest. " Butterfly loves a flower, reply to Li Shuyi " in soundtrack history, it also breaks through the traditional music, symphonic music conforms to the situation of the era of the. Tanci " Butterfly loves a flower, reply to Li Shuyi " succeed, brought a newcreation atmosphere for our modern Tanci creation, It represents the highest achievement storytelling art.

Keywords:Rap music; Suzhou Tanci; Mao Zedong;Li Shuyi

 目   录

1 前言 4

1 苏州弹词简介 4

1.1 苏州弹词的形成与发展 4

1.2 苏州弹词的传统艺术特征 5

2 弹词《蝶恋花·答李淑一》的艺术创新 6

2.1 运用不同的唱腔形式 6

2.2 弹词《蝶恋花·答李淑一》配乐的交响化 7

3《蝶恋花·答李淑一》对现代弹词创作的影响 7

3.1 对弹词语言风格的影响 7

3.2 对弹词书目创作的影响 8

结  论 9

参考文献 10

谢 辞 111 前言

在五千年的历史与人文的沉淀下,中华民族的艺术发展与技艺传承为我国的文化宝库增加了一笔丰厚的宝藏。在中国传统曲艺文化中,说唱艺术的产生与发展可以说是一本厚实的历史课本。它独特的民族兼容性与地方色彩性,使得我国的说唱音乐形成了各自的音乐风格与特点。在众多的说唱曲艺中,苏州弹词是弹词艺术与地方性语言结合的弹词类说唱音乐。苏州弹词在其音乐功能上具有了说唱艺术的叙述功能与抒情功能,并且与苏州方言吴语紧密结合,使得唱词的演唱韵十足,具有浓厚的江南韵。 苏州弹词《蝶恋花·答李淑一》艺术创新及其对现代弹词的创作影响:http://www.751com.cn/yinyue/lunwen_55837.html
