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时间:2021-04-25 22:10来源:英语论文
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Chinese and American News Reports on Obama’s Winning the Re-Election in 2012,英语论文从奥巴马连任的新闻报道看中西方新闻报道中的倾向性

摘要随着社会的发展,媒体在我们的社会生活中占据了很重要的地位。通常主流媒体能作为引导人们思想和行为的一个模型,同时主流媒体也是作为为人们提供政治消息以及政府信息的一个工具。因此,主流新闻媒体的观点可能会影响人们对某一些事件的态度及看法。我们必须注意到新闻不仅仅是报道事件的本身,除此之外,它并不总是客观公正的。事实上,新闻报道传达着各种非语言信息、 话语权利、观点和态度、社会环境和文化背景等等。尤其是对政治事件,在某种程度上,这些新闻报道能够反映出国家的政治立场等,所有的这些都可以归于隐藏在新闻语言背后的意识形态。许多研究表明批评性语篇分析(CDA)是研究意识形态在新闻话语中的一种有效的研究方法。66389


毕业论文关键词  批评性话语分析   奥巴马连任   新闻话语   意识形态

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  A Critical Discourse Analysis of Chinese and American News Reports on Obama’s Winning the Re-Election in 2012


With the development of our society, the media have occupied a very important part in our social life. Usually the mainstream media are the models for people’s minds and behaviors, and they are also important instruments which provide people with policies and information of the government. So, the mainstream views of the news media may influence people’s attitudes on some events. We must notice that news is not just a report of the event itself; moreover, it is not always objective and impartial. In fact, news reports convey a variety of non-verbal information: discourse power, views and attitudes, social environments and cultural backgrounds, etc. Especially for political events, in some extent, the reports can reflect the countries’ political stances, etc. All of these can be attributed to the hidden ideologies behind the news language. Many studies have shown that Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is an effective approach to study ideology in news discourse.

This paper takes the reports on Obama’s winning the re-election in 2012 in Chinese and western mainstream media as the breakthrough point, describes the news tendentiousness on the basis of the existing theories, then makes a comparison and analyzes the different features between Chinese and western reports on Obama’s election. It is also beneficial to put forward a proposal of raising students’ critical language awareness in English learning and provide a new thinking mode of news English learning and teaching.

Keywords   critical discourse analysis   Obama’s winning the election   news discourse   ideology


Table of Contents

1  Introduction 1

1.1   Research Background 1

1.2   Methodology 2

1.3  Outline of the Thesis 2

2  Literature Review 2

2.1  News Discourse 2

2.2  News Media Bias 3

2.3  Critical Discourse Analysis 4

3  Theoretical Frameworks 从奥巴马连任的新闻报道看中西方新闻报道中的倾向性:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_74316.html
