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时间:2020-09-18 10:12来源:英语论文
We should avoid the following questions in the communication and cooperation with westerners. Such as: How old are you? Whats your income? How much did that trousers cost you? Are you married or singl

 We should avoid the following questions in the communication and cooperation with westerners. Such as: How old are you? What’s your income? How much did that trousers cost you? Are you married or single?  Privacy of the specific differences reflected in the following three points.

3.1 Time in privacy

The privacy time is a personal time. It can’t be easily disturbed or taken up by others.

 In the west, if your boss asked you to work overtime that he would give the double compensation to you. But the premise is whether you agree or not to work overtime. If you refused to work the boss would not angry. In China, overtime the dumb man eating the bitter he had to suffer in silence. What is more, many companies do not provide the overtime pay and the staff must obey to their boss otherwise you should be ready to be fired. It is incredible for westerners that Chinese people spend personal time in working but can’t get some compensation. Although in recent years the awareness of employees for overtime pay is increasingly high,but the situation of unpaid still exists in China.

 Now a lot of schools have foreign teachers in China. I found the biggest reason for foreign teachers popular with students is they do not drag the class. For foreign teacher the class is over when rang the bell. They never occupied the students’ personal time although the course was finished or not. I asked our teacher: “why don't you take a little time to finish the course,you also save something in next class.”He answered me, in china I learned a sentence  time is life. This class has 40 people, I do not have any rights or reasons to occupy and waste student’s life. However, Chinese teachers are opposite. They often take up the student’s privacy time and never feel guilty. I specifically interviewed with high school students what do you think about the teacher’s behavior? They said that they have no choice and just be accustomed to the teacher’s behavior.
