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时间:2020-09-18 10:10来源:英语论文
Comparison of Family Education between China and America,英语论文中美家庭教育之异同

Abstract This paper tries to carry on a comparative analysis of the similarities and differences between Chinese and America family education. The similarities lie in the following aspects: both Chinese and America parents lay emphasis on family education; parents’ roles in education are emphasized. In addition, they both pay attention to the training the children’s longing for knowledge and they both value reading. Finally, both Chinese and America parents attach importance to teaching by personal examples as well as verbal instruction. Due to the different definitions, goals, contents and values, there are so many differences between Chinese and American family education, and it will be analyzed from the perspectives of these, as well as the educational ways of family education. As a result, the different results of education are formed. This study is designed to identify the problems and shortcomings of family education in China and America, to absorb and learn from the advanced experience of family education in the two countries, to change parents’ concept of family education, to raise the level of family education to lay the cornerstone for the child’s growth and future training of talents.56283

Keywords: Family education; differences; children; comparison 

摘要本文试图对比分析中西方家庭教育的异同点。相似点主要体现为:重视家庭教育,父母角色,注重培养孩子的求知欲和阅读能力,同时都注重言传身教。 由于不同的家庭教育定义、不同的家庭教育目标、、不同的家庭教育内容、不同的家庭教育价值观,导致了不同的教育期望。本文旨在从对子结果中而找出中国家庭教育与美国家庭教育存在的问题与不足,吸收和借鉴两个国家家庭教育中的先进经验,转变两国国家庭教育观念,提高两国的家庭教育水平,为孩子的成长和未来人才的培养奠定基石。



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

3. Similarities of Family Education between China and America 2

3.1 Importance of Family Education 2

3.2. Parents’ Role in Family Education 3

3.3 Cultivation of the Habit of Family Education 3

3.4 Parents’ Examples of Family Education 3

4. Differences of Family Education between America and China 4

4.1 Different Definitions of Family Education 4

4.2 Different Goals of Family Education 4

4.3 Different Contents of Family Education 5

4.5 Different Value of Family Education 8

4.6 Different Anticipation of Family Education 9

5. Conclusion 10

Works Cited 11

1. Introduction 

     Entering 21st century, as one of the hottest spot, family education is becoming increasingly important in people’s life. Family, as the cell of society, is the first place where children receive and get in touch with the society. Education is a highly complicated process which is connected with families, schools and society throughout one’s whole life. In modern society, family education contents become various. It includes not only family life education, family relation education, family morality education, but also children education, parent’s education and so on. Chinese say that if you know the family, you do not need to know the inpidual. It is clear that family is important to every human being’s life. The family is among the oldest and most fundamental of all human institutions. We are born and mature in the families; then we form new families and leave them at our death. Family life is a universal human experience. It is also an experience that helps shape the manner of each inpidual in the world. (Peng Xiaoyan, 2012: 101) 中美家庭教育之异同:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_60794.html
