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时间:2020-04-30 20:00来源:英语论文
Female Identity in Dubliners_,英语论文《都柏林人》中的女性身份James Joyce as an Irish novelist and poet is regarded as one of the most important writers in the 20th century

Female Identity in Dubliners Abstract James Joyce as an Irish novelist and poet is regarded as one of the most important writers in the 20th century. Many of his works are the real reflection of modern life. Moreover, he has long been considered as a misogynist. In Dubliners, he depicts more female characters than any other works. In Dublin, women are defined as “the oppressed of the oppressed”. As the other, they are dominated and marginalized in the patriarchal society. In such an Ireland, the Irish women show their complexity on personality. Some of them are deeply rooted in the traditional culture and remain silent, some eager to search for identity but fail, while others succeed in challenging the masculine authority. To explore how the women gain their presence and female identity under beneath by the author, this thesis will focus on the analysis of the female character from the feminism view and try to find Joyce’s attitude towards women.  48258

Key words: female identity; Dubliners; feminism; absence; presence 


摘  要詹姆士.乔伊斯是20世纪最重要的爱尔兰小说家和诗人,很多他的作品都是现代社会的真实写照。作为一名小说家,他长期以来被认定是歧视女性的作家。小说《都柏林人》是乔伊斯描绘女性角色最多的一部作品。在都柏林,女性常被定义为“受被压迫人们压迫的人”。作为他者,他们在父权制社会中被男性控制并且处于边缘地带。但也就是在这样一个父权之上的都柏林,女性在性格方面也呈现出了复杂性。她们有的深受传统文化的影响,始终保持着沉默,有些试着寻找自我但是最终失败,而也有一些成功的打击了男性强权。为了探究作者是如何从文本的深层次赋予这些女性的自我身份并且凸显她们的在场,本文将从女性主义的角度出发主要分析《都柏林人》中的女性形象,并且对乔伊斯的女性观开展一些讨论。 



1. Introduction 1

1.1 Literature Review 1

1.2 Background and Significance 4

1.3 Thesis Structure 5

2. Women’s Absence of Self-identity 6

2.1 Women as the Other 6

2.2 Silent Women under Dual Oppression 6

3. Women’s Searching for Self-identity 8

3.1 Eveline in Dilemma: To Stay or To Escape 8

3.2 Maria’s Tragedy: Where Is Her Destiny? 8

4. Women’s Presence of Self-identity 10

4.1 Mrs. Sinico’s Resistant Reaction 10

4.2 Three Women in “The Dead” 11

4.2.1 Lily: Direct Resisting Discourse 12

4.2.2 Miss Ivors: the Male Counterpart 12

4.2.3 《都柏林人》中的女性身份:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_50799.html
