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时间:2018-03-03 17:59来源:英语论文
A Study on Cultivation and Improvement of Junior Middle School Students’ English Writing Ability浅谈初中生英语写作能力的培养与提高

摘 要语言是交流的工具。在四项语言技能中,写作是最难掌握的。英语写作教学一直是英语教学中的一个难点,也是教师们公认的一个薄弱环节,面临着费时、费力、收效甚微的局面。学生有畏难情绪,不愿意写;教师受应试影响及课程限制,忽视写作教学,从而导致多数学生的写作能力得不到提高。因此,笔者拟进行尝试试图从初中阶段学生习作中,发现规律和特点并找出存在问题,分析成因,寻找适合初中阶段的二语写作教学方法.从而达到提高初中生英语写作能力的目标。19071
English is an important tool of communication. It is generally accepted that learning to write in a foreign language is the toughest job in language learning. English writing teaching has always been a difficult and weak point in the process of English teaching. Students are reluctant to write because they are afraid of making mistakes in their writings. Teachers neglect teaching of writing because of National Matriculation English Test and curriculum constraints. As a consequence, students’ writing ability is not improved. Therefore in order to achieve the goal of improving the students’ writing ability, the author intends to collect the errors and problems in students’ writing, summarize the rules and features, analyze the cause and find out the methods of improving students’ writing ability.
Key words: junior middle school students; English writing abilities; cultivation; strategy
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
II.Problems in English Writing Expressions of Students in Junior Middle School Current    2
2.1 Frowziness in Paper and Lack of Standardization in Handwriting    2
2.2 Lack of Vocabulary and Inappropriateness in Collocation    2
2.3 Disturbance from Mother Tongue    3
2.4 Vagueness in Grammar Conception and Inappropriateness in Person and Tense    3
2.5 Unsmooth in Connections and Unclearness in Presentation    4
III. Strategies to Improve Junior Middle School Students’ English Writing Ability    4
3.1 Vocabulary Accumulating    5
3.2 Sentence Pattern and Grammar Accumulating     6
3.3 Dividing Paragraph Structure    8
3.4 Organizing Discourse and Examining the Topic    9
3.4.1 Cultivating students’ ability in organization of space    9
3.4.2 Cultivating students’ ability of analyzing the question    10
IV. Conclusion    11
Bibliography    12
Acknowledgements    13
A Study on Cultivation and Improvement of Junior Middle School Student’s English Writing Ability
I. Introduction
Learning a foreign language cannot be successful without writing taken into account, for writing can not only help promote and work out the language knowledge acquired, but also afford a means of language output and communication. Such importance of writing is strongly emphasized in the New Curriculum Criterion for China’s Middle School Writing Teaching, which makes higher demands upon our junior middle school students for a comprehensive English competence. As one of the four integral parts of out English teaching and learning-listening, speaking, reading and writing, English writing is always focused on as a very important basic skill,the attainment of which can promote the development of other basic skills in English learning. Therefore, writing practice has been regarded as all effective measure to improve the middle school students’ comprehensive ability to use English. However, English writing teaching and learning, for quite a long time,have not been quite successful to our English teachers and students who consider it a hard nut for them to crack.To solve this tough problem,we should, attaching great importance to writing teaching and learning, try to find out effective ways to improve out students’ writing ability inspired by the middle school English curriculum reform. 浅谈初中生英语写作能力的培养与提高:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_10278.html