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时间:2019-04-14 13:55来源:英语论文
浅谈功能对等理论下汉语成语的英译英语论文On the English Translation of Chinese Idioms from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory

摘 要成语是人们长期以来习惯使用的词组或短语,具有结构基本稳定、形象鲜明、音韵和谐等基本特点,是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。随着中国文化和世界文化的共同发展,汉语成语的英译引起了国内外翻译学者的广泛关注。在探索汉语成语英译策略的过程中,奈达的功能对等理论给译者提供了重大的理论支持。本论文对汉语成语的特点进行分析,指出在翻译过程中将功能对等理论与具体的翻译策略结合起来,能够最大程度地传达汉语成语的内涵和外延。总之,功能对等理论能为汉语成语的英译指明新方向。34542
Idioms refer to those word groups or expressions which have been used by people for quite a long time. They possess such basic features as relatively stable form, striking image, and harmony rhyme. With the development of Chinese culture and different cultures in the world, more and more scholars at home and abroad begin to pay much attention to the translation of Chinese idioms. Nida’s functional equivalence theory supplys great theoretical support to translators in the process of exploring the translation strategies for the English translation of Chinese idioms. This paper analyzes the characteristics of Chinese idioms and holds that the combination of functional equivalence theory with concrete translation methods helps to convey the  connotations and denotations of Chinese idioms to a large extent. In general, functional equivalence theory points out new orientations to the English translation of Chinese idioms.
Key words: Chinese idioms; English translation; functional equivalence
On the English Translation of Chinese Idioms from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
II. Theoretical Framewok: Functional Equivalence Theory    2
2.1 Overview of Functional Equivalence Theory    3
2.2 Nida’s Two Orientations of Equivalence in Translating    3
2.3 Features of Functional Equivalence    4
III. A Brief Introduction of Chinese Idioms    6
3.1 Definition of Chinese Idioms    6
3.2 Features of Chinese Idioms    6
3.3 Sources of Chinese Idioms    7
IV. Strategies of Chinese Idioms’ Translation Under Functional Equivalence Theory    8
4.1 Literal Translation    9
4.2 Literal Translation with Notes    10
4.3 Liberal Translation    11
V. Conclusion    13
Bibliography    15
Acknowledgements    16
I. Introduction
Chinese idioms, in terms of form and development, have their own origins and sources. Therefore, the meaning of an idiom wants to express is often hidden in the words, rather than from literal level. As a consequence, it is more challenging for translators to translate appropriately. The reason is that sometimes translators put more emphasis on literal meaning and translate word by word, regardless of the inner sense and emotional intention the idiom contain.
Eugene Nida put forward the functional equivalence theory and provided more scientific instructions to the translation of Chinese idioms. The core principle of functional equivalence theory is functional equivalence, which means the harmony relationship between form and function of two languages. It focuses on the accordant correspondence of readers both in source text and taget text. A complete process of translation has three parts, including analyze, transfer and reconstruct. The process of analysis is the process to analyze the language of original text. When translators attempt to analyze the language of original text, they cannot be confined into syntactic relationship of linguistic units and connotations. Instead, stylistic style plays a critical role in transferring meaning. Some scholars believe that the degree of equivalence in function depends on cultural differences between two languages. Based on the analysis of language of original text, translators can proceed the second step, that is, to reproduce the translation language. The transformation of word forms is the simplest type. For example, verbs can be transformed into nouns. By means of functional equivalence theory, we can achieve the equivalence in function. 浅谈功能对等理论下汉语成语的英译:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_32067.html