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时间:2017-06-04 15:26来源:毕业论文

摘  要:近几年,随着网络的迅猛发展,“断头新闻”现象在新闻报道中日益凸显出来。本文以近几年的断头新闻为研究对象,首先对新闻报道中的“断头新闻”现象进行概述,并指出其造成的危害,如损害了公众的知晓权、损害媒体形象、激化了社会矛盾、戕害政府公信力,进而对“断头新闻”现象出现的原因进行探析:社会热点层出不穷、媒体的持续报道力不强、问责机制未能发挥作用、受众的媒介素养有待提高,最后针对该问题提出应对策略,即政府坚持信息公开,切实落实问责机制,媒体加强新闻专业主义、提高受众的媒介素养等,同时也希望公众、媒体以及政府能够通力合作,有效的应对报道中的“断头新闻”现象。9644

The Study of the Phenomenon of “Unfinished-News” in the News Reports
Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of the network, the phenomenon of "unfinished-news" is increasingly highlighted in the news reports. Based on the “unfinished-news” of recent years as the research object, this paper firstly gives a summary for the phenomenon of “unfinished-news” in the news reports, and points out the damage caused by the “unfinished-news”, such as damaging public's right of knowing, damaging the image of media, intensifying the social contradictions and damaging government’s credibility, and then offers a deep analysis for the reasons of the emergence of the "unfinished-news" : the social hot topics emerge in endlessly; the sustainability of the media reports is not enough; the accountability system fails to implement and the media literacy of public needs to be improved. And finally this paper offers some coping strategies for the problem, namely the government should bring the information into the public and implement the accountability mechanism earnestly; the media should strengthen the professionalism of news media and strengthen the media literacy of the audience; at the same time this paper also appeals to the common collaboration of the public, the media and the government to effectively deal with the phenomenon of “unfinished-news” in the news reports.
Keywords:“unfinished-news”; hot issues; news reports
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、“断头新闻”现象概述    2
(一)“断头新闻”的定义    2
(二)“断头新闻”现象的特点    3
二、“断头新闻”现象产生的危害    4
(一)侵害公众知晓权    4
(二)损害媒体形象    4
(三)激化社会矛盾    5
(四)戕害政府公信力    6
三、“断头新闻”现象的原因分析    7
(一) 社会热点层出不穷    7
(二)媒体的持续报道力不强    7
(三)问责机制未发挥作用    8
(四)受众的媒介素养有待提高    9
四、“断头新闻”现象的应对策略    10
(一)政府坚持信息公开    10
(二)切实落实问责机制    11
(三)媒体加强新闻专业主义    11
(四)提高受众的媒介素养    12
参考文献    14
浅析新闻报道中的“断头新闻”现象 新华网近日发出评论,一针见血地指出:“时间并不久远,但哈尔滨塌桥事件似乎已被遗忘,而一起被遗忘的还有‘表哥’杨达才、打人部长方大国等。现在,无论是在微博还是在传统媒体,很难再发现相关信息。就好像大桥根本没有塌,杨达才也没有出现一样。媒体和公众的退场,使得许多热点事件不了了之。”这段文字虽不长,但它却道出了新闻的一个常见的现象,就是“断头新闻”现象。这种现象的出现的确需要我们的重视,以确保新闻传播的良性运作。在本文中笔者以近几年的社会热点事件为例,分析报道中的“断头新闻”现象,力求通过研究找出其发展套路,为正确应对“断头新闻”现象找出可行的方式和策略。 浅析新闻报道中的“断头新闻”现象:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_8440.html