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时间:2021-05-20 22:21来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:商帮文化  影视传播  传播现状  传播效果

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title: Chinese culture and film business to help spread                     


In recent years,palace dramsa and time travel dramas are very poular,bur in my opinion,the film and television theme which is about business team cultral will change this fixed pattern in the future.business team cultural extracts the material from the true story, it has the real content, rich selectively and legendary, in which inspirational story will inspire the public to get “positive energy” as people said. In China, we have a lot of film and television works about the business team cultural, but

most of them lack of the deeply research on it. In order to achieve dramatic effect and twists readability of the film and television works, many directors made some exaggerated change on the valuable business team culture. In view of this, I had a research for Chinese business team cultural; furthermore, I also explored the relationship between business

team culture and the broadcasting media.

keywrods:The business team cultural Transmission status  Dissemination effect   Television transmission   Transmission status

目   次

1  引言2

2  中国商帮文化研究 2

2.1  中国商帮发展历程 3

2.1.1  明清时期中国十大商帮的崛起 3

2.1.2  盐业促成了商帮的最初崛起 3

2.1.3  十大商帮的发展及兴衰 4

2.2  中国商帮文化独有特征4

2.3  商帮文化传播意义5

3  我国商帮文化影视传播发展历程5

3.1  我国商帮文化影视传播历史6

3.1.1  商帮文化影视剧的诞生背景6

3.1.2  商帮文化影视剧的奠基之作6

3.2  我国商帮文化影视传播现状7

4  商帮文化影视传播效果7



5  商帮文化影视传播的影响10

5.1.1  构建现代商帮文化12

5.1.2  商帮文化再传播12

结论 13

致谢 13


1  引言


影视传播作为一种最重要的传播媒体,是最能产生文化共鸣的一种传播方式。胡智锋所著的《电视传播艺术学》中就曾提到“影视艺术作为当今世界影响最大的艺术创造和文化传播方式之一,在跨文化传播中具有最广大的观众群和覆盖面”, 好的影视内容更是可以培养受众的文化素养。论文网 中国商帮文化与影视传播:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_75347.html
